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A lightweight module designed to make interacting with your SQL tables a little easier


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A lightweight module designed to make interacting with your SQL tables a little easier. Includes features such as validation, getters, setters, pre/post-save hooks.


To provide some structure to your app's persistence layer without the weight of a full fledged ORM.


npm install placemat


Placemat is designed to work with the database connection objects instantiated by the node mysql module module. The first step is to open a connection to your database. Once this is done, the placemat functions can be used by passing a connection as the first argument.


Placemat exports a Table constructor that instantiates an object containing functions to interact with your database. To create a Table object you must first specify the schema for your table. A schema is a JSON object with the following properties:

  • fields - hash of fields represented in your table. Each field in you table should have a property in this hash, and may contain the following keys:
    • validation - properties describing how the field should be validated. Validation in placemat is powered by revalidator. See their docs for available validation options.

    • setter - a function that can be used to alter a property before it is saved. this function must accept one parameter (the set value of the field), and must return the altered value.


      function(value) {
        return value.toLowerCase();
    • getter - like setter, but applied to fields after they are retrieved from the database.

    • default - if the field is undefined during insertion, it will be set to this value.

    • private - if true, this field will be removed from retrieved data. Useful for passwords and other sensitive information.

    • quote - if true field name will be surrounded in '`' for all queries.

Schema Example:

var userSchema = {
  fields: {
    id: {
      validation: {
        type: 'integer',
        required: false,
    name: {
      validation: {
        type: 'string',
        required: true
      setter: function(value) {
        return value.trim();
      default: 'John Doe'
    email: {
      validation: {
        type: 'string',
        format: 'email',
        required: true
      setter: function(value) {
        return value.trim().toLowerCase();
    age: {
      validation: {
        type: ['integer', 'null'],
        required: false
    createdAt: {
      validation: {
        type: 'date',
        required: true
      default: function() {
        return new Date();
    password: {
      validation: {
        type: 'string',
        required: true
      setter: function(value) {
        return value.trim().toLowerCase();
      private: true

Now let's instantiate the table and make some stuff happen.

var mysql = require('mysql');

var db = mysql.createConnection({
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 3306,
  user: 'test',
  database: 'test'

var users = new placemat.Table('users', userSchema);

// Create a new user
users.insert(db, {
  name: 'Bob',
  email: '[email protected]',
  password: '123456'
}, function(err, data) {

  var id =;

  // Update the new user's email address
  users.update(db, id, {
    email: '[email protected]'
    }, function(err, data, affectedRows) {

      // Fetch the user by id
      users.findById(db, id, function(err, user) {
        var name =;

        // Delete the user
        users.remove(db, id, function(err, affectedRows) {});



placemat.Table(tableName, [idField], schema, [options])

Instantiate a new placemat table.

  • tableName - name of database table instance should interact with.
  • idField - primary key of table. Defaults to id.
  • schema - schema object for the table.
  • options - object containing table options. Can be:
    • quoteTableName - if true table name will be surrounded by '`' for queries.

Table Methods

Table#insert(connection, data, [options], cb)

Add a new record to the table.

  • connection - database connection object to use for query.
  • data - object containing fields to save to the inserted row.
  • options - object containing options, all of which are optional. Can include:
    • ignorePrivate - set to true if private fields should not be removed from postSave data
    • ignoreGetters - set to true if getters should not be applied to postSave data.
    • meta - object where arbitrary data can be stored and be available in all hooks and events for a particular action.
  • cb - callback of the form cb(err, data)
    • data - Data that was inserted into the database. Primary key of inserted row will be included (based on lastInsertId of query). Getters are applied to this data.

Table#update(connection, ids, data, [options], cb)

Update record(s) in the table.

  • connection - database connection object to use for query.
  • ids - id(s) of row(s) to update. Can be a single value, or an array of several values to update multiple items. This value can also be a single object containing field/value pairs. This comes in handy when trying to update a row by a field other than the primary key, or if the primary key is based on more than one field.
  • data - object containing properties to update on selected row(s).
  • options - object containing options, all of which are optional. Can include:
    • ignorePrivate - set to true if private fields should not be removed from postSave data
    • ignoreGetters - set to true if getters should not be applied to postSave data.
    • meta - object where arbitrary data can be stored and be available in all hooks and events for a particular action.
  • cb - callback of the form cb(err, data, affectedRows)
    • data - data that was updated for the selected row(s). Getters are applied to this data.
    • affectedRows - the number of database rows that were updated.

Table#remove(connection, ids, [options], cb)

Delete record(s) from the table.

  • connection - database connection object to use for query.
  • ids - id(s) of row(s) to delete. Can be a single value, or an array of several values to delete multiple items. Like in #update() this parameter can also be a single object.
  • options - object containing options, all of which are optional.
    • meta - object where arbitrary data can be stored and be available in all hooks and events for a particular action.
  • cb - callback of the form cb(err, affectedRows)
    • affectedRows - the number of database rows that were deleted.

Table#findById(connection, ids, [options, cb])

Retrieve row(s) from the table by id. If no callback is supplied this function will return a readable stream.

  • connection - database connection object to use for query.
  • ids - id(s) of row(s) to retrieve. Can be a single value, or an array of several values to retrieve multiple items. Like in #update() this parameter can also be a single object.
  • options - object containing options, all of which are optional. Can include:
    • where - WHERE clause to use with the query. Can be a single string, or an array of multiple strings, each containing an individual statement.
    • params - array containing parameters to use with the query.
    • fields - array containing names of fields to retrieve from the table. If only a single field needs to be retrieved, this can just be a string. By default all fields are retrieved. An alias can be assigned to fields by supplying an object with a field and an alias property instead of a string.
    • order - name of field to sort results by. To sort by multiple fields this property can be set to an array of multiple strings. By default sorts are ascending. To do a descending sort pass an object with a field and ascending property and set ascending to false.
    • limit - number of rows to limit result to.
    • offset - offset to apply to retrieved rows.
    • ignorePrivate - set to true if private fields should not be removed from retrieved fields.
    • ignoreGetters - set to true if getters should not be applied to retrieved fields.
  • cb - callback of the form cb(err, record)
    • records - if ids is an array, this value will be an array of objects (one for each row retrieved). If only a single id was specified in a non-array format, records will be an object, or null.

Table#find(connection, [options, cb])

Find table rows. By default all rows are retrieved. If no callback is supplied this function will return a readable stream.

  • connection - database connection object to use for query.
  • options - same as in Table#findById().
  • cb - callback of the form cb(err, records)
    • records - array containing each row that was found.

Table#query(connection, sql, [params, options, cb])

Find table rows using a raw sql query. Useful for more advanced operations. If no callback is supplied this function will return a readable stream.

  • connection - database connection object to use for query.
  • sql - sql query to execute.
  • params - parameters to apply in query.
  • options - object containing options, all of which are optional. Can include:
    • ignorePrivate - set to true if private fields should not be removed from retrieved fields.
    • ignoreGetters - set to true if getters should not be applied to retrieved fields.
  • cb - callback of the form cb(err, records).
    • records - array containing each row that was found.

Table Hooks

These functions can be overridden on a per table basis and are called at specific points during the insert, update, or remove process. These can be used to modify data before it is saved, to do asynchronus validation, or to update a caching layer when a record is changed, among other things.

Table#preValidate(ids, data, isNew, cb, meta)

Called after defaults are applied but before validation occurs.

  • ids - array containing the ids that are being saved. Will be null when called during an insert.
  • data - data that will be saved.
  • isNew - set to true when called during an insert.
  • cb - should be called when hook is complete. An error can be passed to cause the save to fail.
  • meta - object where arbitrary data can be stored and be available in all hooks and events for a particular action.

Table#preSave(ids, data, isNew, cb, meta)

Called after setters and validation are applied, but before the actual db query.

  • ids - array containing the ids that are being saved. Will be null when called during an insert. This will always be an array, even if a non-array id was passed to the emitting function.
  • data - data that will be saved.
  • isNew - set to true when called during an insert.
  • cb - should be called when hook is complete. An error can be passed to cause the save to fail.
  • meta - object where arbitrary data can be stored and be available in all hooks and events for a particular action.

Table#postSave(ids, data, isNew, meta)

Called after records have been successfully inserted or updated.

  • ids - array containing the ids that were saved. Will include the id of any inserted rows. This will always be an array, even if a non-array id was passed to the emitting function.
  • data - data that was saved. Getters are applied to this data.
  • isNew - set to true when called during an insert.
  • meta - object where arbitrary data can be stored and be available in all hooks and events for a particular action.

Table#preDelete(ids, cb, meta)

Called before rows are deleted.

  • ids - array containing the ids that will be deleted. This will always be an array, even if a non-array id was passed to the emitting function.
  • cb - should be called when hook is complete. An error can be passed to cause the deletion to fail.
  • meta - object where arbitrary data can be stored and be available in all hooks and events for a particular action.

Table#postDelete(ids, meta)

Called after records have successfully been deleted.

  • ids - array containing the ids that were deleted. This will always be an array, even if a non-array id was passed to the emitting function.
  • meta - object where arbitrary data can be stored and be available in all hooks and events for a particular action.

Table Events

Table inherits EventEmiiter and implements the following events:

Event 'save'

Emitted whenever a record is inserted, or updated

  • ids - array containing the ids that were saved. Will include the id of any inserted rows. This will always be an array, even if a non-array id was passed to the emitting function.
  • data - data that was saved. Getters are applied to this data.
  • isNew - set to true when emitted during an insert.
  • meta - object where arbitrary data can be stored and be available in all hooks and events for a particular action.

Event 'insert'

Emitted whenever a record is inserted

  • ids - array containing the ids that were inserted. This will always be an array, even if a non-array id was passed to the emitting function.
  • data - data that was saved.
  • meta - object where arbitrary data can be stored and be available in all hooks and events for a particular action.

Event 'update'

Emitted whenever a record is updated

  • ids - array containing the ids that were updated. This will always be an array, even if a non-array id was passed to the emitting function.
  • data - data that was updated. Getters are applied to this data.
  • meta - object where arbitrary data can be stored and be available in all hooks and events for a particular action.

Event 'remove'

Emitted whenever a record is removed

  • ids - array containing the ids that were removed. This will always be an array, even if a non-array id was passed to the emitting function.
  • meta - object where arbitrary data can be stored and be available in all hooks and events for a particular action.

Table Errors

The table functions can return the following errors:


Generic placemat error.


Validation error. Contains fields property which is an array containing an object for each field that failed validation. Each object has a name and message property.

Placemat has logic built in that returns a ValidationError when a bad foreign key reference is created, or when a duplicate is entered on a field with unique key.


Returned when a row has a foreign key contraint that prevents it from being deleted.


This function is called before any error is returned from placemat. It can be overridden to better integrate errors with your application (i.e. if you have specific error types that you want returned for REST requests, etc.). This function takes a placemat error as a parameter, and should return an error.


A lightweight module designed to make interacting with your SQL tables a little easier







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