Built with the Next.js Page Router, TypeScript, Styled-Components, Tailwind
📎 mobiauto-test-tau.vercel.app
- 🛠️ Build With Next.js 13
- 💻 Beautiful landing page included
- 🎨 Styled-components, Tailwind
- 🌟 Clean, modern UI on top of shadcn-ui
- 🔑 React-form-hook with Zod
- ✅ Personalized Hooks
- ⌨️ Custom hooks
- 🌐 State with Zustand
- ⚙️ with GetServerSideProps
To get started with this project, run
git clone https://github.com/joaovrcosta/mobiauto-test
and copy the .env.example variables into a separate .env file, fill them out & and that's all you need to get started!