The PineTime is a free and open source smartwatch capable of running custom-built open operating systems. Some of the notable features include a heart rate monitor, a week-long battery as well as a capacitive touch IPS display that is legible in direct sunlight. It is a fully community driven side-project, which means that it will ultimately be up to the developers and end-users to determine when they deem the PineTime ready to ship.
We envision the PineTime as a companion for not only your PinePhone but also for your favorite devices — any phone, tablet, or even PC.
The Pinetime smartwatch is built around the NRF52832 MCU (512KB Flash, 64KB RAM), a 240*240 LCD display driven by the ST7789 controller, an accelerometer, a heart rate sensor, and a vibration motor.
This project is a fork of Infinitime
The purpose of PinetimeLite is to build firmware for Pinetime that is lightweight and maximizes battery life. The available features are :
- Quick settings to change the backlight, notification vibration and flash light
- Charging notification
- Low battery alert
- Notifications, with app identification
- Incoming call notification
- Backlight timeout config
- Screen wake up on double tap, single tap or Wrist wake up
- Screen sleep on double tap ( in any clock face )
- Multi watch faces ( 8 )
- Firmware update, now with high-speed transfer mode.
- Settings saved to external flash
- External resources, images and icons, are now in the external flash
- Weather app
- Step counter
- Sample app to show the accelerometer ( this app my not be included in future releases )
- Gadgetbridge (on Android)
- PinetimeLiteApp (on web browser) Compatible with version 0.3.0, it is possible with this application to set the clock, update resources and firmware.
This project is released under the GNU General Public License version 3 or, at your option, any later version.
This option can be used in Linux and Windows
- A cross-compiler : ARM-GCC (9-2020-q2-update)
- The NRF52 SDK 15.3.0 : nRF-SDK v15.3.0
- A reasonably recent version of CMake (> 3.16)
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DARM_NONE_EABI_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=/usr -DNRF5_SDK_PATH=/mnt/d/Work/PineTime/nRF5_SDK_15.3.0_59ac345 -DUSE_OPENOCD=1 ../
More detail information where Build the project
$ make -j pinetime-lite
$ make -j pinetime-mcuboot-lite
- Install Docker in Windows
- Download xpack-openocd-0.10.0-15
- Configure Openocd to allow remote connections from WSL2
to do this, in the bin folder create a .bat file with this :
run the .bat file and verify if the connection to Pinetime is ok this is the result :
openocd.exe -s ..\scripts\ -f interface\stlink.cfg -f target\nrf52.cfg -c "bindto"
Leave the OpenOCD window open while programing the PineTime.Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections Info : clock speed 1000 kHz Info : STLINK V2J29S7 (API v2) VID:PID 0483:3748 Info : Target voltage: 3.226772 Info : nrf52.cpu: hardware has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints Info : starting gdb server for nrf52.cpu on 3333 Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
cd <project_root> # e.g. cd ./work/PinetimeLite docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/sources pinetime-build
Next, this is only for the first time :
- Find you computer IP, the connection between WSL and windows can only be done via IP
- Install the "GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain"
Programing the bootloader, do this only if necessary, the comand will erase all memory in the Pinetime
arm-none-eabi-gdb --batch \ -ex="target extended-remote XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:3333" \ -ex "monitor halt" \ -ex "monitor nrf5 mass_erase" \ -ex "monitor program <project_root>/build/output/bootloader.bin 0x00000000"
replace <project_root> with the full path to your project. replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX with you computer IP.
Programing the Pinetime-Lite to Pinetime
arm-none-eabi-gdb --batch \ -ex="target extended-remote XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:3333" \ -ex "monitor program <project_root>/build/output/pinetime-lite-0.1.0.bin 0x00008000" \ -ex "monitor reset"
replace <project_root> with the full path to your project. replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX with you computer IP.
In this fork you have 3 shell script to automate this steps
- - bilds with docker
- - programs the Pinetime-Lite via OpenOCD
- - clean the internal storage and programs the bootloader