Learn anything from anywhere, anytime.
Flash-Vue is an educational progressive web application (PWA). The main goal of Flash-Vue is to provide a resource for those needing to memorize, learn or study anything from anywhere at anytime, regardless of their internet connection (thanks to current web technologies).
- Fix, altering readonly attribute not compatible on IE
- Add birth year field on registration
- Make quick how to video for family to see / know how to use
- Send 'introductory' email with a '2 things you'd change + your favorite thing'.
- Have 3 points menu items open vertically instead of horizontally. Make flex direction column
- When mini menu is shown move progress bar as border
- Make all stacks (even user's) public. Private stacks will be paid version.
- Put laravel in production mode. Can see errors rn (https://flash-vue.com/sdfsdfs)
- Remove die() stmts in controllers
- Fix shuffle cards. Cannot add, remove correctly after shuffle. On mobile show spinner or something cause you don't know it's shuffling
- Joyride or some sort of introduction feature (Sai + how to video)
- Google business account (before May 20th).
- Test on IE Edge (14+)
- Make business cards
- Forgot password page, horz row not as thick
- Remove green border on forms unless you're actually going to have some validation (implement http://vee-validate.logaretm.com/)
- Remember to cache AJAX routes (look for axios calls). (may need to use something else besides UpUp since it may not had an array of urls to cache)
- WebPack / Gzip: https://forum-archive.vuejs.org/topic/4059/adding-gzip-to-webpack-using-compression-plugin/6
- May 19th (soft launch). Before schools starts = real launch.
- [/] Create lots of stacks (aim for 100 before May 20th)
- [?] Show number of cards complete 57/120 - ?
- [?] (User Account) Change category page to not show card, instead show line with [+ (cards)];
- [?] (User Account) Remove play button [autosave instead (on blur)]
- [?] Just like the login prompt on homepage, make one for search (with red dashed border)
- [?] System fonts: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/system-font-stack/
- Polyfill vuex i need to use for IE 11
- No card animation on night mode (no bounce_leave) [should it be swipe right left styles?]
- Create 404 page (... There's nothing to learn here. Go Back.)
- Show link to study incorrect? Is there a way we are storing incorrect right now?
- Fix border under mini_menu and background when bg is in night mode
- User/public score is a large decimal number. Make sure to round to whole number
- Add order to public stacks so that you can order them w/ something other than asc/desc create date
- Shrink text a tad on desktop if chars > ??. Shrink even more on mobile if chars > ??
- After resetting password sending user to https://flash-vue.com/home still maybe this?(return $this->to($this->generator->route('home'), $status);)
- Start quiz / Quiz Mode toggle. Send toggle answer to controller, wrapper query in if(quizMode = true)
- Card correct (animate slide left). Incorrect (Animate slide right). Really think, maybe talk to ppl about this
- V-model.trim on textarea and v-models
- Get tab / enter working (tab press enter on save for example)
- Get menu working!
- Stub in 'no results', instructions how to add cards / stacks
- Get public menu working (look in email for code)
- Text is mispelled on HP. Login to create "your" own
- Touch textarea on stack -> go to cards. touch card flip to other side
- No loader on card view only when clicking from stack view (only when refreshing on card view...)
- Remove being able to click on textarea public/user cards. Turn cards on touch instead
- On user cards, set textarea to readonly unless edit icon is clicked. Only allow edit on cards via the edit icon
- Forgot password link not working
- On md/sm devices set .column_no_pad_lr {padding: 0.75rem}
- User login count in DB (user_login_total++)
- Email admin after a registration is made
- After registering send user to welcome page, thanks for signing up, get started by creating a stack. - Just like the login prompt on homepage, make one for new registrations page. (with red dashed border). Also have a thanks for registering
- Add your running ToDo: list to Asana
- Add a message saying Coming May 20th, but you can use
- Get email on registration working (need to add the new columns for login_count to user table)
- Remove border around 'login' / 'registraion' form
- Move app icons (shuffle, add, share) a bit further out. can see them on iPad
- Answers first mode
- On night mode, set all questions to display:inherit. Or all answers depending on toggle setting (- Display inherit / display question on night mode toggle (some cards are not being shown now))
- Make toggle buttons bigger. Hard to touch on mobile
- On load, check textarea character length. Only working on keydown right. (make regular, small, tiny font)
- Active, focus buttons on public stacks are color: black? Should be the grey like on public-cards
- Spread out submenu buttons on cards. Almost clicking delete when I trying to click share
- Web manifest file
- Progress bar on Public-Cards is not working correctly
- Shorten the time from when user click "check" and card = display none. There's an obvious pause on mobile
- Display inline toggles
- Change check mark to happy face / X to sad face
- Progress bar not working on public-cards
- On the logo link remove './' and add '/' instead. right now if clicked it goes to that domain level
- Clone current droplet
- On register, send to user-stacks page (going to home rn)
- Move search icon in menu down (there's a gap)
- Set up Forge account
- Get intend link to click not icon (search for: // remove save add edit icon) - Need get link not icon so you may have to change ElementById stmt
- Check if element has class (search for: // NEED TO FIX - RIGHT NOW CARD SPINS
- And search for "component.$store.dispatch('editCardName', card);")
- Search for: let focusCard = component.$store.state; - This is not working on add card