Good for logging your actions to Telegram chat/group/supergroup.
Now supports sending String
type of messages only (also supports Markdown).
- Create bot and get bot token from @botfather;
- (optional) Add your bot to group/supergroup and make it an admin without any admin permissions (bot need to read the first message);
npm i -s tglogger
Send the bot command /start
to bot or just write something to the group/supergroup to which you added the bot. Bot will send you message when it will save chatId
const TgLogger = require('tglogger');
const tg = new TgLogger('TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN');
tg.text('_Lorem_ *ipsum* \`dolor\`.');'_Lorem_ *ipsum* \`dolor\`.');
tg.err('_Lorem_ *ipsum* \`dolor\`.');
tg.warn('_Lorem_ *ipsum* \`dolor\`.');
tg.failed('_Lorem_ *ipsum* \`dolor\`.');
tg.success('_Lorem_ *ipsum* \`dolor\`.');
Use to connect bot to the chat/group/supergroup.
Use to disconnect from the chat/group/supergroup.