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Export function to find isotopes based on mz and intensity values
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- Export the core functionality to find isotopes among a grouped set of
  features (aka pseudo spectrum). Issue sneumann#51.
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jorainer committed Mar 20, 2020
1 parent bc0e9fd commit 0392397
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Showing 16 changed files with 407 additions and 42 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Package: CAMERA
Version: 1.43.2
Version: 1.43.3
Date: 2020-02-10
Title: Collection of annotation related methods for mass spectrometry data
Author: Carsten Kuhl, Ralf Tautenhahn, Hendrik Treutler, Steffen Neumann {ckuhl|htreutle|sneumann}, [email protected]
Expand All @@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ ByteCompile: TRUE
biocViews: ImmunoOncology, MassSpectrometry, Metabolomics
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
RoxygenNote: 7.1.0
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ export("annotate",

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions R/fct_findAdducts.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ annotateGrp <- function(ipeak, imz, rules, mzabs, devppm, isotopes, quasimolion,

#Entferne Hypothesen, welche gegen OID-Score&Kausalität verstossen!
#Entferne Hypothesen, welche gegen OID-Score&Kausalitaet verstossen!
hypothese <- checkOidCausality(hypothese, rules[rules.idx, ]);
if(nrow(hypothese) < 2){

#Prüfe IPS-Score
#Pruefe IPS-Score
hypothese <- checkIps(hypothese)
if(nrow(hypothese) < 2){
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312 changes: 289 additions & 23 deletions R/fct_findIsotopes.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,30 +1,296 @@
##Functions for findIsotopes
calcIsotopeMatrix <- function(maxiso=4){

stop("Parameter maxiso is not numeric!\n")
} else if(maxiso < 1 | maxiso > 8){
stop(paste("Parameter maxiso must between 1 and 8. ",
"Otherwise use your own IsotopeMatrix.\n"),sep="")

isotopeMatrix <- matrix(NA, 8, 4);
colnames(isotopeMatrix) <- c("mzmin", "mzmax", "intmin", "intmax")

isotopeMatrix[1, ] <- c(1.000, 1.0040, 1.0, 150)
isotopeMatrix[2, ] <- c(0.997, 1.0040, 0.01, 200)
isotopeMatrix[3, ] <- c(1.000, 1.0040, 0.001, 200)
isotopeMatrix[4, ] <- c(1.000, 1.0040, 0.0001, 200)
isotopeMatrix[5, ] <- c(1.000, 1.0040, 0.00001, 200)
isotopeMatrix[6, ] <- c(1.000, 1.0040, 0.000001, 200)
isotopeMatrix[7, ] <- c(1.000, 1.0040, 0.0000001, 200)
isotopeMatrix[8, ] <- c(1.000, 1.0040, 0.00000001, 200)

return(isotopeMatrix[1:maxiso, , drop=FALSE])

#' @title Calculate an isotope matrix
#' `calcIsotopeMatrix` creates a matrix which is used to identify isotopes.
#' @param maxiso `integer(1)` defining the maximum number of isotopes that
#' should be searched for.
#' @return `matrix` with 4 columns `"mzmin"`, `"mzmax"`, `"intmin"` and
#' `"intmax"` defining the lower and upper boundaries for m/z and intensity
#' differences expected for isotopes
#' @md
calcIsotopeMatrix <- function(maxiso = 4L){
if (maxiso < 1 || maxiso > 8)
stop("'maxiso' has to be an integer between 1 and 8.")
ISOMAT[seq_len(maxiso), , drop = FALSE]

ISOMAT <- cbind(mzmin = c(1, 0.997, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
mzmax = rep(1.0040, 8),
intmin = c(1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001, 0.000001,
0.0000001, 0.00000001),
intmax = c(150, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200))

#' @title Find which peaks are isotopes of each other
#' @description
#' `findIsotopePeaks` compares diffrences between m/z of the provided peaks to
#' determine which peaks could be isotopes of each other considering also
#' the relationship between their intensities.
#' @param mz `numeric` with the m/z values of the peaks.
#' @param int `numeric` or `matrix` with intensity values for the individual
#' peaks. A `matrix` (with number of rows equal to the number of peaks)
#' can be provided if intensities are available across several samples.
#' @param ppm `numeric(1)` with the relative acceptable difference in m/z
#' values. Defaults to `ppm = 5`.
#' @param tolerance `numeric(1)` specifying an absolute difference in m/z
#' values. Defaults to `tolerance = 0`.
#' @param maxiso `integer(1)` with the maximal number of isotopes that should
#' be searched for.
#' @param maxcharge `integer(1)` with the maximal charge of the expected
#' isotopets.
#' @param isomatrix `matrix` with isotope relationship definitions, as the
#' one returned by [calcIsotopeMatrix()].
#' @param minfrac `numeric(1)` defining the proportion of samples which have
#' to show the correct C12/C13 ratio, if `int` is a `matrix` with intensity
#' values for multiple samples.
#' @param filter `logical(1)` whether the expected intensity relationship for
#' C12/C13 filter should be applied.
#' @return `matrix` with 4 columns:
#' @md
findIsotopePeaks <- function(mz, int, ipeak = seq_along(mz),
ppm = 5, tolerance = 0,
maxiso = 4L, maxcharge = 3L,
isomatrix = calcIsotopeMatrix(maxiso),
minfrac = 0.5,
filter = TRUE) {
if (!is.matrix(int))
int <- matrix(int, ncol = 1)
if (length(mz) != nrow(int))
stop("lengths of 'mz' and 'int' have to match.")
if (nrow(isoMatrix) != maxiso)
stop("nrow(isoMatrix) has to be equal to 'maxiso'")
## matrix with all important informationen
mz_idx <- order(mz)
spectra <- cbind(mz[mz_idx], ipeak[mz_idx])
int <- int[mz_idx, , drop = FALSE]
n_spectra <- length(mz)

## calculate error
error.ppm <- ppm / 1e6 * mz
res <- matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = 0)
colnames(res) <- c("mpeak", "isopeak", "iso", "charge")

## for every peak in pseudospectrum
for (j in 1:(n_spectra - 1)) {
## create distance matrix
MI <- spectra[j:n_spectra, 1] - spectra[j, 1]
## Sum up all possible/allowed isotope distances + error (ppm of peak mz and mzabs)
max.index <- max(which(MI < (sum(isomatrix[1:maxiso, "mzmax"]) +
error.ppm[j] + tolerance)))
## check if one peaks falls into isotope window
if (max.index == 1) {
## no promising candidate found, move on

## IM - isotope matrix (column diffs(min,max) per charge, row num. isotope)
## STN: isn't it rather:
## IM - isotope matrix (column diffs(min,max) per ISOTOPE, row num. charge state)
IM <- t(sapply(1:maxcharge, function(x) {
mzmin <- (isomatrix[, "mzmin"]) / x
mzmax <- (isomatrix[, "mzmax"]) / x
error <- (error.ppm[j] + tolerance) / x
res <- c(0, 0)
for (k in 1:length(mzmin)) {
res <- c(res, mzmin[k] + res[2*k-1], mzmax[k] + res[2*k])
res[seq(1, length(res), by = 2)] <- res[seq(1, length(res), by = 2)] - error
res[seq(2, length(res), by = 2)] <- res[seq(2, length(res), by = 2)] + error
} ))

## Sort IM to fix bug, with high ppm and mzabs values
## TODO: Find better solution and give feedback to user!
IM <- t(apply(IM, 1, sort))

## find peaks, which m/z value is in isotope interval
hits <- t(apply(IM, 1, function(x) findInterval(MI[1:max.index], x)))
rownames(hits) <- 1:nrow(hits)
colnames(hits) <- 1:ncol(hits)
hits[which(hits == 0)] <- NA
hits <- hits[, -1, drop = FALSE]
hits.iso <- hits%/%2 + 1

for (iso in 1:min(maxiso, ncol(hits.iso))) {
hit <- rowSums(hits.iso == iso) > 0
hit[which(] <- TRUE
if (all(hit))
hits.iso[!hit, ][hits.iso[!hit, ] > iso] <- NA

## set NA to 0
hits[] <- 0
hits <- hits[rowSums(hits) > 0, , drop = FALSE]

## if no first isotopic peaks exists, next
if (nrow(hits) == 0) {

## getting max. isotope cluster length
## TODO: unique or not????
isohits <- lapply(1:nrow(hits), function(x) which(hits[x, ] %% 2 !=0))
isolength <- sapply(isohits, length)

## Check if any result is found
if (all(isolength==0)) {

## itensity checks
## candidate.matrix
## first column - how often succeded the isotope intensity test
## second column - how often could a isotope int test be performed
candidate.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = length(isohits),
ncol = max(isolength) * 2)

for (iso in 1:length(isohits)) {
for (candidate in 1:length(isohits[[iso]])) {
for (sample.index in c(1:ncol(int))) {
charge <- as.numeric(row.names(hits)[iso])
int.c12 <- int[j, sample.index]
isotopePeak <- hits[iso,isohits[[iso]][candidate]]%/% 2 + 1
if (isotopePeak == 1) {
## first isotopic peak, check C13 rule
int.c13 <- int[isohits[[iso]][candidate]+j, sample.index]
if (!anyNA(int.c12) && !anyNA(int.c13)) {
theo.mass <- spectra[j, 1] * charge #theoretical mass
numC <- abs(round(theo.mass / 12)) #max. number of C in molecule
inten.max <- int.c12 * numC * 0.011 #highest possible intensity
inten.min <- int.c12 * 1 * 0.011 #lowest possible intensity
if ((int.c13 < inten.max && int.c13 > inten.min) ||
!filter) {
candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 - 1] <-
candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 - 1] + 1
candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 ] <-
candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2] + 1
} else {
candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 ] <-
candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2] + 1
} else {
## todo
} else {
## x isotopic peak <- int[isohits[[iso]][candidate]+j, sample.index]
int.available <- all(!,
if (int.available) {
intrange <- c((int.c12 * params$IM[isotopePeak,"intmin"]/100),
(int.c12 * params$IM[isotopePeak,"intmax"]/100))
## filter Cx isotopic peaks muss be smaller than c12
if ( < intrange[2] && > intrange[1]) {
candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 - 1] <-
candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 - 1] + 1
candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 ] <-
candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2] + 1
} else {
candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 ] <-
candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2] + 1
} else {
candidate.matrix[iso,candidate * 2 ] <-
candidate.matrix[iso, candidate * 2] + 1
} #end int.available
} #end if first isotopic peak
} #for loop samples
} #for loop candidate
} #for loop isohits

## calculate ratios
candidate.ratio <- candidate.matrix[, seq(1, ncol(candidate.matrix), 2)] /
candidate.matrix[, seq(2, ncol(candidate.matrix), 2)]
if (is.null(dim(candidate.ratio))) {
candidate.ratio <- matrix(candidate.ratio,
nrow = nrow(candidate.matrix))
if (any(is.nan(candidate.ratio))){
candidate.ratio[which(is.nan(candidate.ratio))] <- 0

## decision between multiple charges or peaks
for (charge in 1:nrow(candidate.matrix)) {
if (any(duplicated(hits[charge, isohits[[charge]]]))) {
## One isotope peaks has more than one candidate
## check if problem is still consistent
for (iso in unique(hits[charge, isohits[[charge]]])) {
if(length(index <- which(hits[charge, isohits[[charge]]]==iso)) == 1) {
## now duplicates next
} else {
## find best
index2 <- which.max(candidate.ratio[charge, index])
save.ratio <- candidate.ratio[charge, index[index2]]
candidate.ratio[charge,index] <- 0
candidate.ratio[charge,index[index2]] <- save.ratio
index <- index[-index2]
isohits[[charge]] <- isohits[[charge]][-index]
} #end if

for (isotope in 1:ncol(candidate.ratio)) {
if (candidate.ratio[charge, isotope] >= minfrac) {
res <- rbind(
c(spectra[j, 2],
spectra[isohits[[charge]][isotope]+j, 2],
} else {
} # for(charge in 1:nrow(candidate.matrix)){
} # end for ( j in 1:(length(mz) - 1)){

#' @param isomatrix `matrix`, the result from a previous run.
#' @param mz `numeric` with the m/z values.
#' @param ipeak `integer` with the index of the peaks (in the original data?)
#' @param int `matrix` (even with a single column) of intensities.
#' @param params `list` of parameters.
#' @noRd
findIsotopesPspec <- function(isomatrix, mz, ipeak, int, params) {
## isomatrix - isotope annotations (5 column matrix)
## mz - m/z vector, contains all m/z values from specific pseudospectrum
## int - int vector, see above
## maxiso - how many isotopic peaks are allowed
## maxcharge - maximum allowed charge
## devppm - scaled ppm error
## mzabs - absolut error in m/z
res <- findIsotopePeaks(mz, int, ipeak, ppm = params$devppm * 1e6,
tolerance = params$mzabs, maxiso = params$maxiso,
maxcharge = params$maxcharge,
minfrac = params$minfrac, filter = params$filter)
cbind(res, intrinsic = rep(0, nrow(res))))

findIsotopesPspec <- function(isomatrix, mz, ipeak, int, params){
findIsotopesPspec_orig <- function(isomatrix, mz, ipeak, int, params){
## isomatrix - isotope annotations (5 column matrix)
## mz - m/z vector, contains all m/z values from specific pseudospectrum
## int - int vector, see above
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/fct_groupCorr.R
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Expand Up @@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ calcCL <-function(object, EIC, scantimes, cor_eic_th, psg_list=NULL){
#select sample f
# if({
# if(length(pi)>1){
# f <- as.numeric(which.max(apply(peaks[pi,],2,function(x){mean(x,na.rm=TRUE)}))) #errechne höchsten Peaks, oder als mean,median
# f <- as.numeric(which.max(apply(peaks[pi,],2,function(x){mean(x,na.rm=TRUE)}))) #errechne hoechsten Peaks, oder als mean,median
# psSamples[i] <- f;
# }else{
# f <- which.max(peaks[pi,]);
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/ruleSet.R
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Expand Up @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ setMethod("generateRules",
tmpmass <- 0;
tmpips <- 0;

## Molekülionen
## Molekuelionen
## Wasserstoff, hard codiert
for(k in 1:mol){
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/xsAnnotate.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1352,7 +1352,7 @@ setMethod("getPeaklist", "xsAnnotate", function(object, intval="into") {

rownames(peaktable)<-NULL;#Bugfix for: In data.row.names(row.names, rowsi, i) :  some row.names duplicated:
rownames(peaktable)<-NULL; #Bugfix for: In data.row.names(row.names, rowsi, i) : some row.names duplicated:
return(invisible(data.frame(peaktable, isotopes, adduct, pcgroup, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=NULL)));

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