A series of scripts to automate the installation of IBM Cloud Private-ce 2.1.0 on RHEL 7.4.
The goals of this project are to:
- Create an easy automated repeatable install process for ICP
- Require little to no pre-requisties to run the ICP installation
- Create digestible snippets to facilitate understanding of the pre-reqs/install process of ICP
This project does not lay down any infrastructure, and expects you to have the required machines provisioned prior to beginning.
Instructions from the pre-reqs doc and installation doc. No steps labeled "optional" are taken
This has been tested on RHEL 7.4
Requires sudo access (passwordless sudo will prevent some additional prompts).
Passwordless SSH from the master to all the workers is required. (see ./01-1-passwordless-ssh.sh)
See IBM Cloud Private Hardware Requirements
This has been tested with:
- Master Node - 4 CPUs, 8 GB RAM, 80 GB disk, public IP
- Worker Node(s) - 2 CPUs, 4 GB RAM, 40 GB disk
- Copy all script files to the VM that will be the master node of ICP
- Fill in the variables in the script ./00-variables.sh)
- (optional) If you need to set up passwordless-ssh review and run ./01-1-passwordless-ssh.sh
- (optional) If you wish to install on mounted storage, configure and run ./01-2-bind-mounts.sh
- Review and run each of the scripts in numeric order 01-update-hosts.sh through 09-kubeconfig.sh. Accept any ssh host identity prompts if they appear.
- https://github.com/IBM/deploy-ibm-cloud-private A more official installer. Contains a local Vagrant install or Terraform/Ansible installs for SoftLayer and OpenStack
Tasks on each of the workers are run in series (more wokers == more time), these tasks should be improved to run in parallel