It is a cloths donation company which have many facilities like donation , see statics data, cloths card and details .
- Have a navbar which have logo, all winter cloths , login there are two conditional routes logout and dashboard
- Can see winter cloths only six in home
- Have best donor testimonial for our good works
- Have Gallery section to showcase our works
- can see Our best volunteers
- Have a section to show our upcomming projects
- Have Footer with relevent information
- Have a animation for best user experience
Client: React js, Redux, TailwindCSS, Shadcn ui, RTK Query, Frammer Motion,Typescript, React router dom
Server: Node, Express, mongodb
Clone the project
Go to the project directory
cd threads-of-hope-client
Install dependencies
npm install
npm i vite react react-router-dom typescript dotenv framer-motion
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init -p
npx shadcn-ui@latest init
npm i -D @types/node
npm run dev
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env.local file