Files related to 《通用规范汉字表》 (Table of General Standard Chinese Characters).
: scanned original document released by China's Ministry of Education.通用规范汉字表.xlsx
: Excel worksheet containing all characaters of 《通用规范汉字表》, along with their Unicode code points, PUA/wrong code points in\方正规范书宋\FZGFShuSong.TTF
(if exist) and Mandarin readings.
: (unrecommended) FounderType's original version of 方正规范书宋 (FZGFShuSong), containing all characters of 《通用规范汉字表》, although some are only mapped to PUA or wrong code points. It will be automatically installed by 方正通用规范字库(个人版).FZGFShuSong_comp.ttf
: (unrecommended) modified version of 方正规范书宋, compatible with both GBK and Unicode. The version also inherits all wrong code points ofFZGFShuSong.TTF
in order to keep compatible with 方正典码输入法(规范字表版), so only use it if you have to.FZGFShuSong_unicode.ttf
: (recommended) modified version of 方正规范书宋, fully compliant with Unicode.FZGFShuSong_comp.fcp
: FontCreator project ofFZGFShuSong_comp.ttf
: FontCreator project ofFZGFShuSong_unicode.ttf
: containing the installer of 方正通用规范字库(个人版) and 《通用规范汉字总表》.
Listed below are some characters that might be mapped to non-standard code points in FZGFShuSong.TTF
and FZGFShuSong_comp.ttf
. Remember that you should never use those italic code points unless you have to.
unsuffixed | _comp | _unicode | |
㑇 | U+3447 |
U+3447 U+E81B |
U+3447 |
㘎 | U+360E |
U+360E U+E821 |
U+360E |
㤘 | U+3918 U+E825 |
U+3918 U+E825 |
U+3918 |
㧐 | U+39D0 U+E82A |
U+39D0 U+E82A |
U+39D0 |
㧟 | U+39DF U+E828 |
U+39DF U+E828 |
U+39DF |
㭎 | U+3B4E |
U+3B4E U+E82D |
U+3B4E |
䁖 | U+4056 U+E834 |
U+4056 U+E834 |
U+4056 |
䅟 | U+415F |
U+415F U+E835 |
U+415F |
䏝 | U+43DD U+E83F |
U+43DD U+E83F |
U+43DD |
䓖 | U+44D6 |
U+44D6 U+E840 |
U+44D6 |
䜣 | U+4723 |
U+4723 U+E844 |
U+4723 |
䥽 | U+497D U+E84B |
U+497D U+E84B |
U+497D |
䦃 | U+4983 U+E84D |
U+4983 U+E84D |
U+4983 |
䲟 | U+4C9F |
U+4C9F U+E857 |
U+4C9F |
䲠 | U+4CA0 |
U+4CA0 U+E858 |
U+4CA0 |
䲢 | U+4CA2 |
U+4CA2 U+E85B |
U+4CA2 |
䴓 | U+4D13 |
U+4D13 U+E85C |
U+4D13 |
䴔 | U+4D14 |
U+4D14 U+E85D |
U+4D14 |
䴕 | U+4D15 |
U+4D15 U+E85E |
U+4D15 |
䴖 | U+4D16 |
U+4D16 U+E85F |
U+4D16 |
䴗 | U+4D17 |
U+4D17 U+E860 |
U+4D17 |
䴘 | U+4D18 |
U+4D18 U+E861 |
U+4D18 |
䴙 | U+4D19 |
U+4D19 U+E862 |
U+4D19 |
䶮 | U+4DAE |
U+4DAE U+E863 |
U+4DAE |
unsuffixed | _comp | _unicode | |
鿍 | U+E295 |
U+9FCD U+E295 |
U+9FCD |
鿎 | U+E37E |
U+9FCE U+E37E |
U+9FCE |
鿏 | U+F344 |
U+9FCF U+F344 |
U+9FCF |
unsuffixed | _comp | _unicode | |
𫢸 | U+2B8B9 |
U+2B8B8 U+2B8B9 |
U+2B8B8 |
𫫇 | U+2BAC8 |
U+2BAC7 U+2BAC8 |
U+2BAC7 |
𫭟 | U+2BB60 |
U+2BB5F U+2BB60 |
U+2BB5F |
𫭢 | U+2BB63 |
U+2BB62 U+2BB63 |
U+2BB62 |
𫭼 | U+2BB7D |
U+2BB7C U+2BB7D |
U+2BB7C |
𫮃 | U+2BB84 |
U+2BB83 U+2BB84 |
U+2BB83 |
𫰛 | U+2BC1C |
U+2BC1B U+2BC1C |
U+2BC1B |