MathOptInterface v1.35.0
Merged pull requests:
- Add set for low-rank constrained SDP (#2198) (@blegat)
- Add Bridges.Constraint.InequalityToComplementsBridge (#2582) (@odow)
- [Bridges] fix querying result attributes with result_index != 1 (#2583) (@odow)
- [Test] add tests from Gurobi.jl's nonlinear update (#2584) (@odow)
- [Test] fix nonlinear tests by adding starting point (#2585) (@odow)
- [Bridges] rename files in /bridges to their type (#2586) (@odow)
- [Bridges] add ExponentialConeToScalarNonlinearFunctionBridge (#2587) (@odow)
- [Test] add tests for DualObjectiveValue (#2588) (@odow)
- Use variable_start in Bridges.runtests (#2592) (@blegat)
- Add test with multiple PSD variables on same constraint (#2594) (@blegat)
- [Bridges.Constraint] add bridges in alphabetical order (#2596) (@odow)
- [Bridges] s/bridged_model/model (#2598) (@odow)
- [Bridges.Variable] add bridges in alphabetical order and change weight (#2599) (@odow)
- [Test] make first variable ZeroOne in test_basic_VectorAffineFunction_Indicator (#2600) (@odow)
- Prep for v1.35.0 (#2601) (@odow)
- Fix GitHub actions badge in README (#2602) (@odow)
- Update to upload-artifact@v4 (#2604) (@odow)
Closed issues: