A library module that provides convenience classes for building an NPC's AI patterns for a game. Based on the Goal Oriented Action Planning (GOAP).
Table of Contents
This Library consists of Agenst, Actions, Goals, and a Planner. Agents are Excalibur Actors that gain new properties to facility NPC action planning. Based on the Goals and Actions provided, the Planner will create a series of events to be executed by the agent.
In the API:
- GOAPAgent Class -> extenstion of Excalibur Actors that have the plubming provided to run autonomously
- GOAPAction Class -> Actions that have preconditions, state effects, action callbacks that run on NPC's
- GOAPGoal Class -> a class that contains the prioritization (weighting) and target state evaluation callback needed to form a plan
- GOAPPlanner -> The planner takes in the goals, actions, and the current state condition and spits out a viable plan that meets the goal, if feasible.
- GOAP_UUID - unique identifier for graph nodes
- GOAP_PlanReport - a dev tool that spits out the inner details of how a planner processes the inputs
At the moment, its just a library module, so you can pull down the GOAP.ts
First, you need to create a GOAPGoal:
The details of each class i'll dive into deeper further down.
// Goal.ts
import { GoapGoal, GoapGoalConfig, actionstate } from "../GOAP";
import { goal } from "../Goal";
const goalConfig: GoapGoalConfig = {
name: "keepfirealive",
targetState: (s: actionstate) => {
return s.campfire > 0 && s.player == 0;
weighting: (s: actionstate) => {
if (s.campfire <= 20) return 0.9;
return 0.0;
export const goal = new GoapGoal(goalConfig);
Next on your journey create a GOAPAgent, an Excalibur Actor with additional properties.
// Player.ts
import { GoapAgent, GoapAgentConfig } from "../GOAP";
const playerActorConfig: ActorArgs = {
name: "player",
pos: new Vector(300, 250),
width: 16,
height: 16,
color: Color.Blue,
const playerConfig: GoapAgentConfig = {
world: world,
state: {},
actions: [],
goals: [goal, avoidBearGoal],
actorConfig: playerActorConfig,
delayedPlanning: 10,
debugMode: false,
export const player = new GoapAgent(playerConfig);
Then you need to build out all your actions that are available to evaluate by the planner.
// feedFire.ts
import { Blink, ActionCompleteEvent } from "excalibur";
import { GoapAction, GoapActionConfig, GoapAgent, actionstate } from "../GOAP";
import { player } from "../../Actors/Player";
import { playerState } from "../World/world";
const myAction = (player: GoapAgent, currentAction: GoapAction, world: actionstate): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const actionSub = player.events.on("actioncomplete", (e: ActionCompleteEvent) => {
if (e.target === player && e.action instanceof Blink) {
player.actions.blink(250, 250, 1);
const actionConfig: GoapActionConfig = {
name: "feedFire",
cost: () => {
return 1;
timeout: 2000,
effect: world => {
if (world.player != 0) {
world.player -= 5;
world.campfire += 5;
world.playerState = playerState.feedingFire;
if (world.player <= 0) {
world.playerState = playerState.idle;
precondition: world => {
let isPlayerEmpty = world.player == 0;
let isPlayerReadyToFeedFire = world.playerState === playerState.movingToFire || world.playerState === playerState.feedingFire;
return !isPlayerEmpty && isPlayerReadyToFeedFire;
action: myAction,
entity: player,
export const feedFireAction = new GoapAction(actionConfig);
so in your main part of the program, you'll add the player actor to your scene and run the Excalibur engine.
// main.ts
// ... other code
await game.start();
player.initalize(); // triggers GOAP to load planner
player.startGOAP(); // turns on the planning engine
This is a key/value pair that represents the world state that the Planner uses to create a plan
export type actionstate = Record<string, any>;
This is the routine that modifies the world state AFTER the action event is completed
export type effectCallback = (worldstate: actionstate, agentState?: actionstate) => void;
This is a routine that is ran, and returns a true or false based on the given logic, where a true return allows for this action, under the state conditions, should be available to run... a false disqualifies an action from being included in the planning
export type preconditionCallback = (worldstate: actionstate, agentState?: actionstate) => boolean;
This routine is what is actually executed when this action is ran. it returns a promise when the action is resolved. Examples of actions are blinking characters, moving actors, etc...
export type actionCallback = (actionEntity: GoapAgent, action: GoapAction, worldstate: actionstate) => Promise<void>;
This routine is what gets ran when the corresponding actions are evaluated for the cheapest path calculation. It returns a unitless value indicating the cost.
export type costCallback = (actionEntity: GoapAgent, worldstate: actionstate) => number;
This enum represents the status of an action: busy - Executed action is still processing waiting - Action has not started executing complete - Action has resolved
export enum GoapActionStatus {
export interface GoapAgentConfig {
world: actionstate;
actions: GoapAction[];
goals: GoapGoal[];
actorConfig: ActorArgs;
delayedPlanning?: number;
debugMode?: boolean;
world is the action state object that is where the world state is being kept
actions, is the list of available actions that the planner can choose from goals, are the set of GOAPGoal objects that get selected from
actorConfig, is the ActorArgs from Excalibur for setting up an Actor
delayedPlanning (optional, default 0): number of loops prior to executing a planning run, i.e. slows down the planning
debugMode (optional, default false), if true, runs one planning session, and console logs out the report of the planning run
* @description - Class for GOAP agent
* @param input - Input configuration for the agent.
* @method cancelPlan - cancels the current plan
* @method onPostUpdate - on post update (game loop update)
* @method initialize - setups up the Planner configuration
* @method startGOAP,stopGOAP - sets/clears the isRunning flag
* @getter isGOAPRunning - returns the isRunning flag
cancelPlan() - resets all actions and clears out the plan buffer
onPostUpdate() - update method called by the gameloop, if no plan exists AND the plannign delay
conditions are met, runs a planning session with the current worldstate
initialize() - sets up the planner to run, must be called before any planning happens
export interface GoapGoalConfig {
name: string;
targetState: (s: actionstate) => boolean;
weighting: (s: actionstate) => number;
name is a unique string identifier targetState is the world state elements and their desired values for a plan to be completed, returnsa true/false, true meaning the Goal has been reached
weighting is a callback that returns a floating point number (0.0-1.0) representing how high of a priority the goal is under current state condistions that are passed in
* @description - Class for GOAP goal
* @param input - Input configuration for the goal.
* @method getPriority - get priority for this goal
getPriority(), returns the weighting score for this goal, used by the planner to select best available goal to accomplish
export interface GoapActionConfig {
entity: GoapAgent;
name: string;
cost: costCallback;
effect: effectCallback;
precondition: preconditionCallback;
action: actionCallback;
timeout?: number;
entity - the owner GoapAgent who has this plan name - unique identifying string for the Action cost - a
costCallback that returns the numeric, unitless 'cost' for performing this action effect - effectCallback that executes AFTER the action is completed, and itmodifies the worlddate precondition -
preconditionCallback that executes early in the planning stage and returns boolean dictating if the action is available to be considered in the planning
action: actionCallback, async callback that actually executes when the overall plan is being processed
timeout (optional, default -1): if this parameter is passed, representing how many milliseconds to wait until the action times out and cancels
* @description - Class for GOAP action
* @param input - Input configuration for the action.
* @method cancel - cancels the action
* @method reset - resets the action
cancel, this is what is called in your program to cancel a plan
reset, set's the state of the action back to waiting
export interface GoapPlannerConfig {
agent: GoapAgent;
world: actionstate;
goals: GoapGoal[];
actions: GoapAction[];
mode?: boolean;
* @description - Class for GOAP planner
* @param input - Input configuration for the planner.
* @method plan - starts building the plan, returns array of actions
plan() is called by the Agent, when there is no available plan to execute
const myUUID = GOAP_UUID.generate();
This static class/method creates a unique identifer
This static method is what spits out the consoled report for the planning run.
Justin Young - @jyoung424242 (Twitter) - Mookie4242 (itch.io)
Project Link: GitHub Repo: Ex-GOAP-test
Special thanks to two great communities that are always available to jump in help, and inspire little projects like these!!!!