1.python3 challenge.py
2.You wil get prompted with the following question: Do you want to convert temperature or volume?
valid answer is: temperature
3. Next you will be prompted for the temperature type?
Valid answers are: kelvin, celcius , fahrenheit and rankine (case sensetive)
4. Next you will be prompted for the numberical value of the temperature you'll like to convert from
5. Next you will be prompted for the temprature you'll like to convert your input to
Valid answers are: kelvin, celcius , fahrenheit and rankine (case sensetive)
6. Next you will be prompted for the input the student had provided
Please note the students are required to round their numbers 1 decimal place
For example: 2.64172 is 2.6
If the student's answer was not right, the returned value from the script will be "incorrect correct answer is xxx"
If the student's answer was not a numberic number, the returned value from the script will be "invalid"
1.python3 challenge.py
2.You wil get prompted with the following question: Do you want to convert temperature or volume?
valid answer is: volume
3. Next you will be prompted for the volume type?
Valid answers are: liters , tablespoons , cubic-inches, cups , cubic-feet, and gallons (case sensetive)
4. Next you will be prompted for the numberical value of the volume you'll like to convert
5. Next you will be prompted for the volume you'll like to convert your input to
Valid answers are: liters , tablespoons , cubic-inches, cups , cubic-feet, and gallons (case sensetive)
6. Next you will be prompted for the input the student had provided
Please note the students are required to round their numbers 1 decimal place
For example: 2.64172 is 2.6