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generates changelog with jira-tickets from git and create/set version in jira tickets


Many developers working with Jira all workday. This tools creates a changelog for a release listing all Jira tickets since last release (in this case the last tag) and sets the fix version in Jira so one can see later in which release it was included. This way everyone gets the best of two worlds: having a changelog and see version info on Jira tickets.


If you just look for a changelog generator for github, jump to this. There is also a js based changelog generator. None of them is dealing with jira.


  • get auth for jira, see
  • query type and summary for the collected jira issues
  • insert changeset to changelog file
  • set release / fix version in jira
  • support unicode in jira titles
  • optional: insert build types (e.g. beta or production)
  • migrate to python3
  • if list is empty show alternative output with version info
  • detect shallow clone and error
  • optional: transition issues
  • jira cloud support



basic configuration

  • setup jira url
  • define jira projects in which fix version should be created
  • configure possible issue type for your project
  • export JIRA_SERVER url, JIRA_USER and JIRA_PASSWORD to environment

getting version info

currently the script parses a gradle property file, tweak the script to your needs: e.g. pass info via argument, PR welcome

git history

Default: using git log to find all changes since last tag (use on master only, only uses commit messages) git_cmd = 'git log $(git describe --abbrev=0 --tag)...HEAD --format="%s"' or if you want to scan branch infos too use instead: git_cmd = 'git log $(git describe --abbrev=0 --tag)...HEAD --oneline --decorate'

Quick Usage

execute ./ in the repository folder