This module contains all the classes required to easily create an xml document containing svg diagrams.
such a code:
def simple_example():
from kaSvg import SvgWindow, XmlElement
w = 300; h = 200; rw = 100; rh = 80; fh = 30
window = SvgWindow(w, h, stroke_width='0.7px', background_color='#8AF')
rect = XmlElement("rect", x=(w - rw) / 2, y=(h - rh) / 2,
width=rw, height=rh,
stroke="green", fill_opacity=0.2)
circ = XmlElement("circle", cx=w * 0.2568, cy=h * 0.3234,
r=fh * 3, stroke="#deb", fill = "#bed",
stroke_width="1.3px", fill_opacity=0.3)
text = XmlElement("text", x=w / 2, y=h / 2, text="SVG",
text_anchor="middle", font_size=fh,
style="font-family: Times New Roman; \
stroke: #deb; fill: #0000cd; font-weight:700;")
generates such an image:
Author: Michał Kaczmarczyk
Address: Poland
Contact: use github contact form, please
Authors: kamichal; aroberge (inspirator)