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Add Protobuf 3 definition support to Malli metosin#166
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The commit introduces Protocol Buffer 3 (protobuf3) support for Malli schemas:

- Implement transform function to convert Malli schemas to protobuf3
- Add transform-schema function for handling nested structures
- Add support for enum types in Malli schemas
- Add comprehensive test suite for transform and transform-schema functions
- Include tests for deeply nested structures and complex schemas
- Ensure generated protobuf3 definitions are syntactically correct
  • Loading branch information
Kapil Reddy authored and Kapil Reddy committed Aug 6, 2024
1 parent 9b469de commit 4f090c4
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Showing 2 changed files with 764 additions and 0 deletions.
172 changes: 172 additions & 0 deletions src/malli/protobuf3_schema.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
(ns malli.protobuf3-schema
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))

(defn to-snake-case [s]
(-> (name s)
(str/replace #"([a-z0-9])([A-Z])" "$1_$2")
(str/replace #"([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])" "$1_$2")
(str/replace #"-" "_")

(defn to-pascal-case [s]
(as-> s $
(name $)
(str/replace $ #"[-_\s]+" " ")
(str/split $ #"\s+")
(map str/capitalize $)
(str/join $)))

(defn malli-type->protobuf-type [malli-type]
(= malli-type clojure.core/string?) "string"
(= malli-type clojure.core/int?) "int32"
(= malli-type clojure.core/boolean?) "bool"
(= malli-type clojure.core/double?) "double"
(= malli-type :string) "string"
(= malli-type :int) "int32"
(= malli-type :double) "double"
(= malli-type :boolean) "bool"
(= malli-type :keyword) "string"
(= malli-type :symbol) "string"
(= malli-type :uuid) "string"
(= malli-type :uri) "string"
(= malli-type :inst) "google.protobuf.Timestamp"
(= malli-type :nil) "google.protobuf.NullValue"
:else "bytes"))

(defn to-proto-name
"Converts a Clojure-style name (possibly with hyphens) to a Protocol Buffer-compatible name."
(-> (name s)
(str/replace "-" "_")))

(declare transform-schema)

(defn transform-map-schema [schema parent-name]
(let [fields (rest schema)
message-name (to-pascal-case parent-name)
transformed-fields (map-indexed
(fn [idx [field-name field-schema]]
(let [field-type (transform-schema field-schema (to-pascal-case (name field-name)))]
{:name (to-snake-case field-name)
:type field-type
:index (inc idx)}))
{:type "message"
:name message-name
:fields transformed-fields}))

(defn transform-vector-schema [schema parent-name]
(let [item-schema (second schema)
item-type (transform-schema item-schema parent-name)]
{:type "repeated"
:value-type item-type}))

(defn transform-enum-schema [schema parent-name]
(let [enum-name (to-pascal-case parent-name)
values (drop 1 schema)]
{:type "enum"
:name enum-name
:values (map-indexed
(fn [idx value]
{:name (-> (name value)
:index idx})

(defn transform-schema [schema parent-name]
(let [schema-type (if (vector? schema) (first schema) schema)]
(case schema-type
:map (transform-map-schema schema parent-name)
:vector (transform-vector-schema schema parent-name)
:set (transform-vector-schema schema parent-name)
:enum (transform-enum-schema schema parent-name)

(fn? schema) {:name (malli-type->protobuf-type schema)}
(keyword? schema) {:name (malli-type->protobuf-type schema)}
:else {:name (malli-type->protobuf-type schema)}))))

(defn generate-field
"Generate a Protocol Buffer field definition."
[{:keys [type name index]}]
(let [field-type (cond
(string? type) type
(map? type) (case (:type type)
"repeated" (str "repeated " (if (map? (:value-type type))
(:name (:value-type type))
(:value-type type)))
"enum" (:name type)
(:name type))
:else (str type))]
(str " " field-type " " name " = " index ";")))

(defn generate-message
"Generate a Protocol Buffer message definition."
[{:keys [name fields]}]
(str "message " name " {\n"
(str/join "\n" (map generate-field fields))

(defn generate-enum
"Generate a Protocol Buffer enum definition."
[{:keys [name values]}]
(str "enum " name " {\n"
(str/join "\n" (map (fn [{:keys [name index]}]
(str " " name " = " index ";"))

(defn generate-definition
"Generate a Protocol Buffer definition (message or enum)."
(case (:type definition)
"enum" (generate-enum definition)
"message" (generate-message definition)))

(defn sort-definitions
"Sort definitions to ensure proper order (enums first, then nested messages, then main message)."
(let [enums (filter #(= (:type %) "enum") definitions)
messages (filter #(= (:type %) "message") definitions)
main-message (first (filter #(= (:name %) "Message") messages))
other-messages (remove #(= % main-message) messages)]
(concat enums other-messages [main-message])))

(defn collect-definitions [schema]
(let [definitions (atom [])]
(letfn [(collect [s]
(when (map? s)
(case (:type s)
(swap! definitions conj s)
(doseq [field (:fields s)]
(collect (:type field))))
(collect (:value-type s))
(swap! definitions conj s)
(collect schema)

(defn generate-protobuf3
"Generate a complete Protocol Buffer 3 definition from a transformed schema."
(let [all-definitions (collect-definitions transformed-schema)
sorted-definitions (sort-definitions all-definitions)
definitions-str (str/join "\n\n" (map generate-definition (drop-last sorted-definitions)))
main-message (last sorted-definitions)]
(str "syntax = \"proto3\";\n\n"
(generate-message (assoc main-message :name "Message")))))

(defn transform [schema]
(let [transformed-schema (transform-schema schema "Message")]
(generate-protobuf3 transformed-schema)))

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