This is the repo for the test provided by Wedupp. The live demo for this app is deployed on heroku. The link for the same is
Follow the steps below to clone this repo and use it for testing on local server. I have kept client and server seperate. They also have seperate dependencies and hence seperate package.json and their respective scripts.
reate a fresh directory wedupp
-git clone
-cd wedupp
-npm install
-cd client
-npm install
-node server.js
The above set of commands will clone this repo, install dependencies and start the server.
- Nodejs [Server for our app]
- Express [Express is a layer built on top of Node]
- React [Front end library used as a View in MVC]
- eslint [linting my code so as to weed of errors as they pop up]
- axios [ similar to fetch api but i feel it is faster (my personal preference). it is used to send and fetch server requests]
- bootstrap/reactstrap [styling the application]
- webpack [ bundling all my code and dependencies into one file (main.bundle.js)]
- webpack-dev-server [ server for development, provides features like hot reloading along with other features]
- babel [used to transpile new ES7 code to pureJS for browsers can understand], i have used may latest features in this app like async await, es6 arrow functions, and also new experimental features like public class methods
This app has mainly 2 parts 1.backend node/express server and 2. frontend reactjs to render the View. The computation of the frequency of words in the paragraph is done on the node/express side so that there is less load on the frontend. The computation for the same is available on routes/api/data.js