A collection of short and simple Python programs.
For scripts that need general configuration variables to be set, rename config.py.template
to config.py
and add the missing variables.
All scripts are run using:
$ python3 scriptname.py
Calculate the missing dimension of an image when changing its width or height so its aspect ratio is kept intact.
Useful when you want to resize an image but don't want to consult fancy image editing software.
[WIP] Find files based on file types and file name patterns.
Depends on config.py
Set up a directory for GPG keys and create new GPG keys.
Depends on config.py
$ python3 gpgcreate.py -h
lists all available options for running the script.
Search a dictionary for the occurrence of words or words part. Additionally, all results can be intersected to look for words common to the individual sets of matches.
Depends on config.py
$ python3 searchdict.py -h
lists all available options for running the script.
Send an e-mail message from an existing e-mail address to a recipient.
Depends on config.py
Log the current time and home directory of the logging user.
The script is run via a cron job.
Use the following code to run the script every ten minutes starting from the full hour.
$ crontab -e
*/10 * * * * /path/to/python3 /path/to/script/timelogger.py
Depends on config.py