This is the codebase of my personal website It is built with Astro, a static site generator.
Here I blog about software and other things that interest me. I write mostly for myself, but maybe you find them interesting too. This site is constantly being re-designed and re-organized, because it is serving me as a playground while I am improving myself in web development.
I believe everyone should have their own place in web and freely express themselves the way they want.
I try to stay minimal and clean. I am not a designer, but I try to make it look good. It has some small QoL features like automatic dark mode, code highlighting, and responsive design. Plus internal links have hover previews, pages have backlink information and I have some data fetching from either my own server or services I use.
There are some open-source projects that I use in this project. You can find them in the package.json file.
I use MIT licensed Phosphor Icons. You can find them here.
- The code of this project is licensed under the MIT License.
- The content (blog posts, articles, images) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA-4.0.