A CLI for selectively pruning your GraphQL schemas.
The CLI accepts a Schema Definition Language file, and then selectively picks (or filters out) certain elements.
This tool was born out of a desire to reuse Hasura's schema in upstream microservices. In my case, it meant discarding the tens of thousands of lines in the schema that was introspected from Hasura, and really only paying attention to the few types I cared about.
For a realistic example of what a Hasura GraphQL schema looks like, check out our example SDL file (Schema Definition Language).
Eventually, I may package this up in Tea and maybe even Homebrew (via Goreleaser).
go install github.com/kevinmichaelchen/graphql-schema-picker@latest
docker pull ghcr.io/kevinmichaelchen/graphql-schema-picker
docker run --rm ghcr.io/kevinmichaelchen/graphql-schema-picker --help
docker run --rm \
-v $(pwd)/examples:/examples \
ghcr.io/kevinmichaelchen/graphql-schema-picker \
--debug \
pick \
--output /examples/pruned.sdl.graphqls \
--sdl-file /examples/hasura.sdl.graphqls \
--definitions Aircrafts
- https://github.com/n1ru4l/graphql-public-schema-filter
- https://github.com/kesne/graphql-schema-subset
- https://github.com/xometry/graphql-code-generator-subset-plugin
- https://the-guild.dev/graphql/tools/docs/api/classes/wrap_src.pruneschema
- https://pothos-graphql.dev/docs/plugins/sub-graph
go run cmd/graphql-schema-picker/main.go \
--debug \
pick \
--output examples/pruned.sdl.graphqls \
--sdl-file examples/hasura.sdl.graphqls \
--definitions Aircrafts
Create tags with xc tag
and push them with git push --tags
Builds the Go program into a local binary.
goreleaser build --clean --single-target
Create a new Git tag
sh <(curl https://tea.xyz) +github.com/caarlos0/svu \
git tag -a $(svu next) -m "$(svu next)"