A comprehensive command-line interface tool for managing Docker containers, images, volumes, and networks. This script provides an interactive menu-driven interface to perform common Docker operations without needing to remember complex Docker commands.
- Start, stop, restart, pause, and unpause containers
- View container logs with customizable options
- Display detailed container information
- Remove containers with volume and force options
- Monitor container statistics
- Execute commands inside containers
- Access container shells (bash/sh)
- View container processes
- Export and rename containers
- List available images
- Pull new images from registries
- Remove images with force option
- View image history and details
- Build images from Dockerfiles
- Tag and save images
- Load images from files
- List, create, and remove volumes
- View volume details
- Prune unused volumes
- List available networks
- Create networks with custom drivers
- Remove networks
- View network details
- Connect/disconnect containers to/from networks
- View system information
- Monitor disk usage
- Perform system cleanup
- View Docker version
- Monitor Docker events
- Docker installed and running on your system
- Bash shell
- Basic understanding of Docker concepts
- Download the script:
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/username/docker-automation-script/master/docker_automation.sh
- Make the script executable:
chmod +x docker_automation.sh
Run the script:
Use the numbered menu to select the desired operation. Follow the prompts to provide necessary information for each operation.
The menu is organized into five main sections:
- Container Management (Options 1-16)
- Image Management (Options 17-25)
- Volume Management (Options 26-30)
- Network Management (Options 31-36)
- System Operations (Options 37-41)
The interface uses color coding for better visibility:
- Blue: Headers and prompts
- Yellow: Menu options
- Green: Success messages
- Red: Error messages and warnings
The script includes basic error handling for Docker operations. Failed operations will display appropriate error messages in red.