Dashcam GPS Video to GPX Extractor. Creates GPX files from Novatek (VIOFO) Dashcamera
usage: nvtk_mp42gpx.py [-h] [-i input [input ...]] [-o output] [-f] [-d] [-e] [-m] [-s [sorting]]
This script will attempt to extract GPS datafrom a Novatek MP4/MOV/TS file and output it in a GPX format.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i input [input ...] input file(s), globs (eg: *) or directory(ies).
-o output output file (single).
-f overwrite output file if exists.
-d deobfuscates coordinates, if the file only works with JMSPlayer use this flag.
-e exclude outliers. Removes impossible coordinates due to errors in the GPS data.
-m multiple output files (default creates a single output file). Note: files will be named after originals.
-s [sorting] Specify on what to sort by. The '-s f' will sort the output by the file name. The '-s d' will sort the output by the GPS date (default). The '-s n' will not sort the
Sergei Franco ( https://sergei.nz/?s=nvtk_mp42gpx.py )