- Instructions:
git clone https://github.com/micropython/micropython.git
cd micropython/ports/stm32/boards
git clone https://github.com/knoppixmeister/Micropython-WeAct-F405RGT6-Port.git WeAct-F405RG
make BOARD=WeAct-F405RG submodules
make BOARD=WeAct-F405RG
cd build-WeAct-F405RG
- Optional:
ls -lah | grep firm
- Flash .hex file to the board by STM32CubeProgrammer
1) Boot the board in DFU mode holding B0 button while plug in to USB port. Release B0 button after 1 sec.
2) Start STM32CubeProgrammer. Select USB connection (on right panel/column) -> press Connect button
3) On the "Erase & programmimg" tabl (from left side) press "Full chip erase". Wait for proess complete
4) Go Back to "Memory & File editing" tab. Click "Open File" tab (from top). Find and open created .hex file from step 1 & 2
5) Click "Download" button. Wait for process until completed.
6) Reconnect usb wire
- Check result by opening some terminal app
minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0
screen /dev/ttyACM0
picocom /dev/ttyACM0
- Enjoy!
Code borrowed form: https://github.com/WeActStudio/WeActStudio.STM32F4_64Pin_CoreBoard/tree/master/Examples/STM32F405/mpy/WeActStudio_F405RG