Backend Developer Intern Assignment for Lean Platform Technologies.
Create the backend APIs of the admin dashboard a Web app (that allows users to find and book sessions with consultants).The admin dashboard is the key component of any web app. So, that API should be very flexible to be integrated with any other component. The admin dashboard approves the consultants account to verified status. It also keeps a track of the no of consultants registered, no of clients registered and no of sessions booked.
The Application runs on port 8080 by default Application can be accessed using
Database used in the application is H2-Database
- To start the database start the application and open
url = jdbc:h2:mem:schemas
username = root
password = root
Use postman to send API calls to application using the application url and api calls mentioned
For Put and Post requests JSON data should be sent along with the API call
- To send JSON data head to Postman application and click on Body
- Under body select "raw" option and body type to "JSON"
- Enter the request body in JSON format -For example the api call to fetch all consultants
choose Get Mapping
GET api/admin/consultants
Parameter | Description |
none |
none |
GET api/admin/consultant-id/id_to_fetch
Parameter | Description |
int |
id of mentor |
GET api/admin/consultant-role/role_to_fetch
Parameter | Description |
string |
role of mentor |
GET api/admin/consultant-requests
Parameter | Description |
none |
none |
GET api/admin/approve/id_of_request
Parameter | Description |
int |
id of mentor request |
POST api/admin/add-consultant
Request Type | Parameter | Description |
Mentor |
Body for Mentor |
GET api/admin/get-users
Parameter | Description |
none |
none |
GET api/admin/web-statistics
Parameter | Description |
none |
none |
PUT api/consultant/update-details
Request Type | Parameter | Description |
Mentor |
Body of Mentor |
GET api/user/consultants
Parameter | Description |
none |
none |
GET api/user/consultant-id/id_to_fetch
Parameter | Description |
int |
id of mentor |
GET api/user/consultant-role/role_to_fetch
Parameter | Description |
string |
role of mentor |
POST api/user/become-consultant
Request Type | Parameter | Description |
Mentor Request |
Body of Mentor Request |
POST api/user/register
Request Type | Parameter | Description |
User |
Body of User |
PUT api/user/book-session/phone_num_of_user
Request Type | Parameter | Description |
long int |
Phone number of user |
- Mentor
- Mentor Request
- Statistics
- User
- Java >17 Installed in the System
- Apache Maven