From 2008 - 2012, OpenVoter was a side project of mine. It is/was a content management system for sites like Reddit or Digg. I wrote it as a method to teach myself PHP. From the glance I just took at it, there seems to be a bunch of things I'd do differently. But hey, we all grow as developers and sometimes look back at old code wondering what we were thinking.
I have no idea what shape it's in right now as it's been almost a decade since I last worked on it. I figured I'd still post it up to GitHub, because why not?
I forget exactly how this works (I know, not helpful).
You first want to edit the ov-config.php file with the proper values, but I believe then you can just create an empty MySQL database, place the files in a web directory and navigate to the site. The installer should handle the rest.
OpenVoter is licensed under GPLv3.