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Serverless Registry API

API which curates serverless applications.

Table Of Contents




The API server can be run locally.

A GitHub App is required to interact with the GitHub API.
The KScout GitHub organization owns an app named "KScout Staging", use this for local development.

Follow the steps in the Database, Configuration, and Run sections.


Start a local MongoDB server by running:

make db

Development Configuration

Configuration is passed via environment variables.

Most configuration fields have default values which will work for local development. However a few fields must be set:

  • APP_BOT_API_SECRET (String): Secret value used to authenticate with the bot API
  • APP_GH_INTEGRATION_ID (Integer): ID of GitHub App
  • APP_GH_INSTALLATION_ID (Integer): Installation ID of GitHub APP
    • Find by going to: KScout Org. GitHub Apps > YOUR GITHUB APP > Advanced > Recent Deliveries > CLICK ON ANY OF THE ITEMS > Request > Payload > field
  • APP_GH_WEBHOOK_SECRET (String): Secret value which was provided during the GitHub App creation

You must also obtain the "KScout Staging" GitHub App private key. Send a message to the Slack channel asking for this file. Then place it in the root of this repository.

You do not have to change any of the other configuration fields. Documentation for these fields follows:

  • APP_EXTERNAL_URL (String): External URL from which HTTP server can be accessed. Should include any URL schemes, ports, paths, subdomains, ect. Should not include a trailing slash. Defaults to http://localhost:5000.
  • APP_SITE_URL (String): URL of site, defaults to
  • APP_BOT_API_URL (String): URL of the bot API, defaults to
  • APP_API_ADDR (String): Address to bind API server, defaults to :5000
  • APP_METRICS_ADDR (String): Address to bind metrics server, defaults to :9090
  • APP_DB_HOST (String): MongoDB host, defaults to localhost
  • APP_DB_PORT (Integer): MongoDB port, defaults to 27017
  • APP_DB_USER (String): MongoDB user, defaults to kscout-dev
  • APP_DB_PASSWORD (String): MongoDB password, defaults to secretpassword
  • APP_DB_NAME (String): MongoDB database name, defaults to kscout-serverless-registry-api-dev
  • APP_GH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH (String): Path to GitHub App's private key
  • APP_GH_REGISTRY_REPO_OWNER (String): Owner of serverless application registry repository, defaults to kscout
  • APP_GH_REGISTRY_REPO_NAME (String): Name of serverless application registry repository, defaults to serverless-apps


Start the server by running:

go run .

Advanced Run

Update Apps

Force the server to rebuild its database state by passing the -update-apps flag:

go run . -update-apps

To have the server make a request to the bot API's new apps endpoint after it is done updating apps pass the -notify-bot-api flag as well:

go run . -update-apps -notify-bot-api

This makes the server import data from the serverless registry repository.

Seed Data

Insert seed data into the database by passing the -seed flag:

go run . -seed

This will load the JSON files in the ./seed-data directory into the database.

Validate Registry Repository Pull Request

To run a validation job for a pull request in the serverless application registry repository pass the -validate-pr PR_NUM flag:

go run . -validate-pr PR_NUM

This will ensure the applications modified by the PR are correctly formatted.
The job will set a check run status and make a comment on the PR based on the results of the format validation.

Mock Webhook Request

To make a mock webhook request to the app pull request webhook pass the -mock-webhook REQ_BODY_FILE and -mock-webhook-event EVENT_NAME flags:

go run . -mock-webhook REQ_BODY_FILE -mock-webhook-event EVENT_NAME

REQ_BODY_FILE should be the name of a JSON file which will be sent as the request body.
EVENT_NAME should be the name of a GitHub event which will be sent as the X-Github-Event header value.

This will make an HTTP POST request to the server specified by the APP_EXTERNAL_URL configuration environment variable.
This request will contain the X-Hub-Signature header which is a signed HMAC of the request body. The APP_GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET key will be used to sign this HMAC.


To deploy:

  1. Ensure a GitHub App exists
  2. Configure
  3. Deploy

GitHub App


Create a GitHub App with the following parameters:

  • Name: KScout
  • Description: Smart App Hub for Serverless Knative Apps by Red Hat.
  • Homepage URL:
  • User authorization callback URL:
  • Webhook URL:
  • Webhook secret: A secret random string
  • Permissions:
    • Checks: Read & write
    • Repository contents: Read-only
    • Pull requests: Read & write
  • Subscribe to events:
    • Check run
    • Pull request

Set Logo

Once created set the logo to logo.png from the meta repository.

Generate Private Key

Go to the "private keys" section of the GitHub App settings page and generate a private key.


Navigate to the "Install App" tab in the left menu. Click the "Install" button for the kscout organization.

On the next page select "Only select repositories" and choose kscout/serverless-apps.

Click "Install".

Deploy Configuration

Create a copy of deploy/values.secrets.example.yaml named deploy/values.secrets.ENV.yaml for whichever deployment environment you wish to configure.

Edit this file with your own values.

Never commit this file.


Initialize submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Deploy to production:

make deploy-prod

If this is the first time production has been deployed run:

make rollout-prod

The master branch will automatically be deployed to the prod environment.

Staging Deployment

Local code can be deployed to the staging environment.

Spin up the staging environment if it doesn't exist already:

make deploy-staging
make rollout-staging

Build local code and deploy to environment:

make push

GitHub Deployment Status

GitHub has a page which tracks the commit currently deployed to an environment.

To create a status for a deployment run:

make gh-deploy

You can optionally set the STATE and REF variable. See the target in the Makefile for more details.


API which curates serverless applications.







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Contributors 4
