An elegant component displaying cards related to travel and exploration.
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The project is designed to display information using a card-based layout, which provides a clean and organized way to present data. Depending on the contents of the JSON file, the project fetches the necessary information and displays it on the corresponding number of cards. These cards include important details such as the title, CO2 emission, number of stars, and other relevant information, making it easy for users to quickly grasp the key features of each item being displayed. Overall, this approach allows for a streamlined and user-friendly presentation of the information, enhancing the user's experience with the project.
To create this application I used:
In order to run my project:
Clone the repository using:
Install all required libraries and dependencies:
- npm i
Start the project using:
- npm start
Or just go directly to live demo:
Distributed under the MIT Licence.
Name: Karolina Slazyk
E-mail: [email protected]
GitHub: Link
LinkedIn: Link