learn.cipher is a video library web app developed to learn about finance and crypto related content.
- ReactJS
- React Router for routing
- Styling : Tailwind CSS
- Backend (Repo Link)
- Express and NodeJS for backend API
- Mongodb using mongoose for database
Video listing and Detail page
Playlist Management
- Create a custom playlist
- Add video to playlist
- Remove video from playlist
- Delete custom playlist
Liked videos Management
- Add videos to liked videos
- Remove videos from liked videos.
Watch History Management
- Watched videos will be shown in watch History.
- Remove videos from watch History.
Notes Management
- Add multiple notes to a particular video.
- Remove notes from video.
User Managment
- JWT for authentication
- Private routes - liked videos, playlists, watch History and profile
- Persistent login
- User data stored in mongoDB
Responsive Design
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/kumaraswamy1/learn-cipher.git
Go to the project directory
cd learn.cipher
Install dependencies
npm install
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.