Auto join classes using the IIITGBot written using python and selenium module. Version 1.0. The bot now has basic functionalities but not yet intelligible to determine which class to be chosen when there are two classes running simultaneously. A database or a text file can be used to store the time table and thus determining the class when two classes are running simulataneously ,this will be rolled out in the later versions. Currently it joins the class which is either ongoing or the one which is about to start. Bot works based on the assumption that no two classes start or run at the same time [exception granted for HS classes, HS class variable is taken in to determine the right HS class to attend ]. The program ticks every 1hr and checks if the user is still in the class. If for a tick, the user is not in the class or the class ends, the joining procedure will be repeated.
Install Selenium using pip
pip install selenium
Download chrome driver from this link and place it in your C directory. If not specify the chrome driver path in
Clone the repo
Fill in the creds in
Run the bot using the following command :
This bot has been written in a rush [ around 2 hours ] :) , So any pull requests fixing issues and bugs are always welcome!