This is an e-commerce site for you to buy robots.
Hosted on
- Name: Kyaw Zin Tun
- Email: [email protected]
- Linkedin: @kyawzintun
- products should display in a grid.
- each robot should show image, name, price, stock, created date, material, and button to add to cart
- created date should display in
format - when robot is out of stock add to cart button should be disabled
- price should be displayed in Thai Baht formatted,
- created date should display in
- user can filter by a robot's material type.
- user can add up to 5 different robots to cart, but they can select as much as they want in the same type until it runs
out of stock.
- if user try to add more that 5 different robots then it should show an alert
- cart should display on the right side of the screen.
- cart should contain list of selected robots, total amount and total price
- user can increase or decrease the number of robots inside of cart section
- total amount should be the total number of selected robots
- total price should be in Thai Baht formatted,
This project was created using the following technologies.
- React JS
- Redux Toolkit (for managing and centralizing application state)
- RTK Query (for making api calls)
- React-router-dom (To handle routing)
- Tailwind CSS (for User Interface)
- React-toastify (To display success/error notifications)
- Express
In order to run this project locally, simply fork and clone the repository or download as zip and unzip on your machine.
- Open the project in your prefered code editor.
- Go to terminal -> New terminal (If you are using VS code)
- Split your terminal into two (run the client on one terminal and the server on the other terminal)
In the first terminal
$ cd frontend
$ npm install (to install client-side dependencies)
$ npm start (to start the client)
In the second terminal
$ cd server
$ npm install (to install server-side dependencies)
& npm start (to start the server)