1135 commits
to main
since this release
Release 1.8.0
Date: 11/28/2023
Fixed (Repair bugs, etc)
- [PR278] Fixed EOSPAC unit conversion errors for scalar lookups
- [PR316] removed
compile flags - [PR296] changed
to fix downstream submodule build - [PR291] package.py updates to reflect new CMake options
- [PR290] Added target guards on export config
- [PR288] Don't build tests that depend on spiner when spiner is disabled
- [PR287] Fix testing logic with new HDF5 options
- [PR282] Fix missing deep copy in sap polynomial tests
- [PR281] Pin spiner in spackage to a specific, tested version
- [PR267] Add missing eosSafeDestroy call in EOSPAC::Finalize
- [PR263] Fix stellar collapse mass fraction interpolation
- [PR258] Fix EOSPAC vector performance and add warnings when slower version gets selected.
- [PR243] Remove undefined behavior caused by diagnostic variables. Also fixed some compiler warnings.
- [PR239] Add JQuery to dependencies for docs to repair build
- [PR238] Fixed broken examples
- [PR228] added untracked header files in cmake
- [PR215] and [PR216] fix duplicate definition of EPS and fix CI
- [PR232] Fixed uninitialized cmake path variables
- [PR308] spack builds +fortran now compile via correct blocking out of interfaces via preprocessor ifdef
Added (new features/APIs/variables/...)
- [PR269] Add SAP Polynomial EoS
- [PR278] Added EOSPAC option functionality in class constructor
- [PR278] Added a new function for returning the minimum energy as a function of density for an EOS (only EOSPAC at the moment)
- [PR278] Added a new Fortran API for simple pressure and bulk moduli lookups
- [PR306] Added generic Evaluate method
- [PR304] added a Newton-Raphson root find for use with the Helmholtz EoS
- [PR265] Add missing UnitSystem modifier combinations to variant and EOSPAC
- [PR279] added noble-abel EoS
- [PR274] added a stiffened gas EoS
- [PR264] added a Helmholtz EoS
- [PR254] added ability to peel off modifiers as needed
- [PR250] added mass fraction output to stellar collapse eos
- [PR226] added entropy interpolation to stellar collapse eos
- [PR202] added the Vinet analytical EOS wth test cases and documentation.
- [PR226] added entropy interpolation to stellar collapse eos
- [PR209] added more documentation around how to contribute to the project and also what a contributor can expect from the core team
- [PR214] added documentation about adding a new EOS
- [PR228] and [PR229] added untracked header files in cmake
- [PR233] Added entropy infrastructure to singularity. Add entropy for the ideal gas and modifiers while throwing an error for EOS where entropy is not implemented yet
- [PR177] added EOSPAC vector functions
Changed (changing behavior/API/variables/...)
- [PR310] Speed up and clean up tests
- [PR295] Add fast logs to singularity-eos
- [PR246] Update CMake with upstream changes
- [PR223] Update ports-of-call and add portable error handling
- [PR234] update ports-of-call to correct for undefined behavior in error handling
- [PR219] Removed static analysis from re-git pipeline
- [PR233] Exposed entropy for the EOS type (now required for future EOS)
- [PR308] Fortran initialization interface functions no longer require modifier arrays, they are optional parameters.
Infrastructure (changes irrelevant to downstream codes)
- [PR190] update CI on re-git
- [PR245] Separating get_sg_eos to other files. Build/compilation improvements, warning fixes/suppression.
- [PR308] Added a fortran test.
Removed (removing behavior/API/varaibles/...)
- [PR293] Removing PTofRE function. This will no longer be callable downstream.