This is a laboratory project to learn about hexagonal architecture in Go.
This application is a simple service to manage "products".
The project defines interfaces for the main entity Product, it's service and repository. The idea is to have different implementations of the repository (in memory, postgres, mongo, etc) and the service (sync, async, etc) without changing the business logic.
It currently has one repository implementation (in memory) and one service implementation (sync).
There are lots of things to refactor and improve, but the idea is to keep it simple and focus on the concept.
There are two interfaces to interact with the project: a simple CLI and a REST API.
To run the cli use:
go run main.go cli -h
It should give a simple explanation of the commands available.
To run the webserver for the REST API use:
go run main.go http
It will start a webserver on port 9000. You can use the following endpoints:
"name": "Product 1",
"price": 10.5
GET localhost:9000/product
GET localhost:9000/product/{id}
PUT localhost:9000/product/{id}/enable
PUT localhost:9000/product/{id}/disable