To enjoy this experience:
sudo pacman -S sway swaylock swaybg swayidle waybar mako pavucontrol brightnessctl playerctl kitty ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd
paru -S sway-desktop-launcher sway-audio-idle-inhibit swayosd-git
sudo systemctl enable --now swayosd-libinput-backend.service
git clone && rm -rf antoine_sway/.git
cp -rf antoine_sway/* ~
My enabled systemd daemons: Apps:
- WM: sway
- Bar: waybar
- terminal emulator: kitty
- task manager: btop
- fetch: nitch (I've added a line to display that my WM is sway XD)
- music player: yamusic-tui
- audio-visualliser: cava
- screensavers: unimatrix,
Theme: catppuccin, Can be found on For btop tty theme is used.
catppuccin - palette, themes for terminal and for many other apps
nitch - very beautiful fetch as it seems to me, but not so many options and very complicated configuration)
owl - many ideas for this rice (especially, for waybar).