Different projects I attempt with a one hour time limit. I'll set either a goal or library/methodology I want to use and attempt to complete the project within an hour.
GOAL: Can I cluster people by their demographic statistics and predict occupation?
- I use the audit data provided by Rattle to pull demographic and occupation data
- Quick cleaning of the data into form suited for models to be used
- Cluster the data using k-means
- Train a model with clusters as target dependent
- Classify using k-nn to predict cluster
- Does cluster relate to occupation at all?
- Clustering results display defined segmentation between the give inputs (age, income, marital, gender).
- Particularly defined groups at either k = 3.
-> clusters = (young and high income, low income and male, older and high income)
- Using a k = 5 results in a great predictor for cluster classification
-> 100% accuracy predicting cluster in test data. (too accurate? why?)
- Clusters very weakly relate to occupations. Not a success
- Clusters do strongly correlate to age and income though
OVERALL: Semi-supervised learning via clustering demographic data fails to predict occupation.
TIME TAKEN: 62 minutes
GOAL: How many insights can I discover from an hour of eda with matplotlib/seaborn?
- Data obtained from Kaggle dataset: 'Pokemon with Stats'
- I typically run eda in R so wanted to get practice in Py
- Pull in data and drop incomplete rows
- Get descriptive stats of data
- Run univariate analysis of data
- Run bivariate analysis of data
- Dive deeper into initial insights with multivariate analysis.
- What are the most interesting trends to visualize more deeply?
- Learned how to subplot in matplotlib
- Learned about querying in pandas
- Linear Relationships between most card stats
- Indicating different power levels rather than trade-offs between stats
- Water type seems to be on the fringes suggesting more volatile stats exchanges
- Grass types seem to be more consistent yet average
- Stat totals about evenly distributed between generations
OVERALL: Seaborn is a great tool for making quick and beautiful charts when conducting EDA.
TIME TAKEN: 76 minutes
GOAL: Can I suggest similar wines given an input wine?
- Data obtained from Kaggle dataset: 'Wine Reviews'
- Get some practice with NLP and create a recommender system
- Pull in data and drop incomplete rows
- Text preprocessing
- TF_IDF algorithm
- Cosine distance similarity function
- Suggest top 10 based on input
- Recommendation wines that seem appropriate!
- Description or original input and suggested are very similar
- Indicting a Rec Sys which is working as expected.
OVERALL: Scikit-Learn's TF-IDF Vectorizer makes forming a blunt wine Rec Sys easy to do on tasting notes.
TIME TAKEN: 95 mins
GOAL: Can I map out similar wines in a vector space to identify similar tastes and recommend new wines with?
- Data obtained from Kaggle dataset: 'Wine Reviews'
- Get some practice with NLP and learn to apply word2vec
- Pull in data and drop incomplete rows
- Text preprocessing
- Apply Word2Vec
- Map out in vector space
- Avg out wine description to place them on vector space
- take given description input and recommend a wine based on it
- word2vec is a powerful tool for identifying similarity between words/objects
- was able to create 2-D matrix using cosine similarity to group similar wines based on description
- User can input tasting notes they are looking for and code returns a list of top 5 similar tasting wines!
OVERALL: Word2Vec can create a very powerful and scalable recommendation system.
TIME TAKEN: 180ish
GOAL: Identify Trends i= Data and Create Story-telling Visual?
- Data obtained from Mother Jones' 'Mass Shooting Investigation'
- Pull in to Tableau
- Create metrics?
- Deep Dive Shooting trends
- Create a Informative dashboard
- Final Visualization Focus Identified and Created
- Visualized a handful of informative charts on mass shootings, NICS background checks, and gun type relationships.
OVERALL: Standard fare Tableau exploration and visualization. Love the tool. This was a tough subject.
TIME TAKEN: 120ish