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Minutes 17 october 2012
mazlo edited this page Oct 17, 2012
9 revisions
###ontology base url
- discussion: about "http://www.ddialliance.org"
- currently managed by "ICSPR"?, University
- (doing their own job)
- it should be possible to arrange a subdomain
- configure a redirect on the subdomain if something is wrong
- proposition: "vocab.ddialliance.org/discovery"
- name it by what it is
- keeping the url short
- ddi is already in the url
- no rdf in url to keep it cleaner and shorter
- changed: into "http://vocab.ddialliance.org/disco", see ontology prefix
###ontology prefix
- candidates: disco, ddis, ddidis, ddisco, ddionto, ddi-ontology, etc.
- no ontology in the name, too long
- proposition: disco
- should relate to the ontology base url, which is "discovery"
- "ddis" is to ambiguous, and could lead to confusion because of "cdis"
- "disco" made it by voting
- changed: ontology base url accordingly
###dc and dcterms properties
- discussion
- ddi coverage
- see thomas uml documentation
- dcterms:format
- do not need any more
- proposition: own format, "fileType" of string
###naming conventions
- of properties in general
- removed prefixes, e.g. hasCoverage becomes coverage
- generated names of APIs will become more comfortable
- trying to stick with nouns
- particular properties
- hasNCube -> dataCube
- discussion: relationship to Universe from other elements
- different use cases, Variable -> Universe, Study -> Universe
- Study - Universe, "studyUniverse"
- Variable - Universe, "universe"
- DataElement - Universe, "universe"
- the last two are rather of "same" meaning than Study - Universe
- decided against a union class and abstract class
- discussion: relationship Variable - Study - Instrument
- introduced class Questionnaire * concrete class of Instrument * created ability to have other Instruments like Registers
- Questionnaire - Question, "question"
- deleted relation Instrument - Variable, does not make sense
- Study - Variable, "variable"
- Study - LogicalDataSet, "product"
- LogicalDataSet - Variable, "variable"
- LogicalDataSet - Universe, "dataSetUniverse"
- Variable - DataElement
- propositions: basedOn, usedBy, instanceOf, usesDataElement
- Variable is clear manifestation of DataElement
- go with basedOn
###identifying use-cases
- by looking at services, like at openmetadata.org
- datasets
- by access conditions. is it publicly available?
- added property isPublic to LogicalDataSet
- added dcterms:accessRights objectProperty to dc:RightsStatement
- added dcterms:license objectProperty to dc:LicenseDocument
- dc:LicenseDocument is a specialization of dc:RightsStatement
- by agency
- discussion: difference studyGroup and study
- where do the properties reside? e.g. agency
- by study (name oder description)
- by universe/coverage
- by instrument?
- items
- by variables (list of variables, comparing variables)
- by concepts
- by questions
- by classification
- questions
- concept
- variable
- question text
###Conclusions for today
- Resolve as many issues as possible, as documented lately
- [parallel activity] Concentrate on the above use-cases and try to itentify elements and relationships in the model. That may include erasing or adding elements/relationships.
- [parallel activity] In addition to that specify the cardinalities.
- Identify relationships to DDI elements (see mapping in google docs)
- Identified as future work
- Versioning
- Spec doc