dotnet restore
dotnet build
cd Gossip.SQLite
dotnet ef database update
cd ..
dotnet test
- Gossip.Web - Web API for front-end JS apps
- Gossip.Contract - application services' contract Gossip.Web is running against
- Gossip.Application - implementation of application services (according to Gossip.Contract)
- Gossip.Domain - business logic
- Gossip.SQLite - interactions (implementation) with persistent database (SQLite)
- Gossip.DynamoDb - interactions (implemenetation) with cloud blob storage (Amazon DynamoDb)
- Tests ... - well ..., justs tests for corresponding layers
- Verify whether UoW is truly transactional (tests)
- Dependency resolver / binder
- Error handling (exceptions)
- Validation
- Logging
- Authorization
- Authentication
- XSS (Encoding)
- Dockerize deployment (multi-instance)
- DB snapshots for integration tests
- input params + output envelope for Web API