- Write readable code!
- Use appropriate variable names
- Follow this convention for storing templates
- Follow template extending whenever possible
- Follow PascalCase only for class names, use '_' to separate words otherwise
- Sig heads are assigned "staff" status
- Everyone's accounts have to be made manually
- Passwords can be changed once logged in, default username-firstnamelastname, default password-istenitk
pip3 install requirements.txt
python3 manage.py runserver #for mobile dev
- Place all CSS and JS code in
static/{css or js}/main.{css or js}
(bad practice, code will be refactored later)
To open the website in mobile view you could-
Use your desktop browser
Use your mobile browser
- Ensure your mobile and laptop are on the same network
- Find your IPv4 address using ipconfig or ifconfig command
- Use http://IP_address:8000 as the URL to access the website from your mobile browser