This is a pathfinding algorithm written in C# using Splashkit library.
A screenshot of running application is provided below.
This project requires:
- Dontet
- Git
- Splashkit
- A code editor, I prefer VSCode.
- MSYS2 Terminal, you could use your prefered terminal as well. (Not required for Mac and Linux user)
After all above softwares are installed
- open MSYS2 terminal
- type the following command to clone to repo:
git clone
- type the following command to change to pathfinding directory:
cd CSharpPathfinding
- run the program with splashkit manager:
skm dotnet run
- A window as below should poped up
The Green square is the start point, you can reposition it by hovering the cursor over a specific location in the grid and press S key on your keyboard.
The Red square is the end point, you can reposition it by hovering the cursor over a specific location in the grid and press E key on your keyboard.
You can also create a wall by create wall/walls between start and end point by hovering the cursor over a specific location in the grid and press w key on your keyboard.
Press Space to start searching for the shoartest path using A star pathfinding algorithm.
- Ther is no clicking involved in this program.
- After the program is run, the yellow path is the shortest path from start node to end node.
- The blue area is the area that got searched.
- After searching the path is visible for 10s before it got cleared.