released this
05 Mar 14:26
Breaking changes:
source fkf_bp_hu
is now mohu_bp_hu
: GUI configuration will be automatically migrated but YAML based configurations need to be changed
General Improvements
added French translation to the configuration GUI (thanks @mfortin )
Added Sources
added Kiedy śmieci, Poland (thanks @d4m )
added Ökrab, Sweden (thanks @ZynThaX )
added Add Norwich City Council, UK (thanks @nathforge )
added Simbio, Slovenia (thanks @archon-dev )
added Bolton Council, UK (thanks @XargsUK )
added Angers Loire, France (thanks @Aguay-val )
added Gleisdorf to citiesapps_com (thanks @lbloder )
added ICS Stadt Delmenhorst, Germany (thanks @nsd0tklostermann )
added RosknRoll, Finland (thanks @timbba80 )
added ICS source Stadt Enger, Germany (thanks @DarthMoe )
added Panda Waste, Ireland (thanks @gcacace )
added ICS source Kreis Kaiserslautern (thanks @n-vent )
added ICS source Landkreis Nordhausen (thanks @kyndadumb )
added Kraków, Poland (thanks @dawidborek )
added PreZero Bielsko-Biała, Poland (thanks @bladowski )
added source (thanks @notf0und )
added tsceskybrod_cz (thanks @moneytoo )
added Innherred Renovasjon, Norway (thanks @cunners )
added Torridge District Council UK (thanks @tigattack )
added Prodnik, Slovenia (thanks @Alex9premium )
Improved Sources
montreal_ca now supports different waste collection sectors
Republic Services better bin names (thanks @evanhsu )
update tbr_reutlingen_de ICS documentation (thanks @srempfer )
Cheshire East, UK allow to disable ssl verification as it fails for some HA installs (thanks @greghesp )
Poznan, Poland shows more collection dates (thanks @czyzniek )
Fixed Sources
fixed citiesapps_com moving to a new API (thanks @lbloder )
fixed date parsing (thanks @cmsj )
fixed swale_gov_uk (thanks @dt215git )
fixed awn_de (thanks @GyroGearl00se )
fixed opendata_bordeauxmetropole_fr not working for all supported regions (thanks @Chuckame )
fixed zva_wmk_de (thanks @Demel75 )
fixed AWB Bad Kreuznach not working for all locations (thanks @alex-voigt )
fkf_bp_hu renamed to mohu_bp_hu + add option to disable SSL verification (thanks @greghesp )
fixed coventry_gov_uk (thanks @cunners )
fixed ecoharmonogram_pl, sides_matcher behavior (thanks @amozeo )
fixed recyclecoach (thanks @Icexist )
You can’t perform that action at this time.