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GitHub Action

Terraform check action


Terraform check action


Terraform check action

Check terraform code


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Terraform check action

uses: HENNGE/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in HENNGE/terraform-check

Choose a version


HENNGE/terraform-check is a composite action (using Python in the back) to execute checks on Terraform configuration in your Github Actions workflow.

This action will execute the following Terraform commands:

  1. terraform init
  2. terraform fmt
  3. terraform validate
  4. terraform plan

The result and detailed report of the check will be returned as output of this action. Optionally, the detailed report can be automatically posted as PR comments.


Make sure that your workflow already have the credentials needed by your Terraform configuration. (e.g. authenticate to AWS with aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials)

- uses: HENNGE/terraform-check@v1
    directory: infra/tf

Specific Terraform version can be used:

- uses: HENNGE/terraform-check@v1
    directory: infra/tf
    terraform_version: 1.1.7

If terraform is already installed, it can be used:

- uses: HENNGE/terraform-check@v1
    directory: infra/tf
    terraform_version: system

Multiple directories can be set as input, separated by space:

- uses: HENNGE/terraform-check@v1
    directory: infra/tf infra/tf2

If checking on multiple directories, you can set Terraform version for each directory:

- uses: HENNGE/terraform-check@v1
    directory: infra/tf infra/tf2
    terraform_version: 1.1.7 1.3.4

If only one version is set, it will be used for all directories:

- uses: HENNGE/terraform-check@v1
    directory: infra/tf infra/tf2
    terraform_version: 1.1.7

Detailed report can be automatically posted as a pull request comment. Make sure that Github token has permission to write into pull requests.

  contents: read
  pull-requests: write

# ... (omitted)

- uses: HENNGE/terraform-check@v1
    directory: infra/tf
    post_comment: true
    github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

If post_comment is set to update, the previous comment will be updated if the action runs again.

- uses: HENNGE/terraform-check@v1
    directory: infra/tf
    post_comment: update
    github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

If post_comment is set to nonzero, comments will only be posted if return code is not zero (checks failed or there are changes).

- uses: HENNGE/terraform-check@v1
    directory: infra/tf
    post_comment: nonzero
    github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


  • directory: (required) One or more directories separated by space, containing the Terraform configuration.
  • terraform_version: (optional) Terraform version to use. You can set version for each directory if checking on multiple directories. If set to system, the action will use the terraform version already installed. Defaults to latest.
  • hide_refresh: (optional) Hide state refresh output from report
  • post_comment: (optional) Whether to post detailed report as pull request comment.
    • If set to true, will post a comment every time.
    • If set to update, will post a comment and then update the existing comment on any subsequent runs.
    • If set to nonzero, will post a comment only if any checks failed or there's changes to the Terraform plan (returncode other than 0).
  • github_token: (optional) Github access token, required to post PR comments.
  • issue_number: (optional) If set, post comment to a specific issue or PR instead of the current one.


  • returncode :
    • 0 if all checks passed.
    • 1 if any checks failed.
    • 2 if there's changes to the Terraform plan.
  • result: Check result in the format ofTerraform check on <path> <result>.
  • report: Detailed report in Github Markdown format of the check result including terraform plan output.

Detailed report

The detailed report will look like this:

Terraform check on infra/tf ✅Passed: there are no changes✅

Show Details

Terraform Init 🏗success

Terraform Format and Style 🖌success

Terraform Validation 🤖success

Terraform Plan 📖success✅Passed: there are no changes✅

Show Plan
No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.

Terraform has compared your real infrastructure against your configuration
and found no differences, so no changes are needed.
