Gitoris repository browser build on django. Demo. username: demo, password: demo
- Django >= 1.3
- Pygments >= 1.4
- GitPython >= 0.3.2
- Makrdown >= 2.0.3
- South >= 0.7.2
- Docutils >= 0.8.1
- Register these following applications in the INSTALLED_APPS section of your project’s settings
- 'gitlog'
- 'south'
- 'django.contrib.markup'
- Add these following template context processors if not already present.
- 'django.core.context_processors.static'
- 'gitlog.context_processors.gitlog'
- 'django.core.context_processors.auth',
- 'django.core.context_processors.i18n',
- 'django.core.context_processors.request',
- Add this in
- url(r'^', include('gitlog.urls')),
- Copy hooks/post-receive to /home/git/repositories/gitosis-admin.git/hooks/, uncomment last 2 lines and fix path
- Run following commands
- python syncdb --all
- python migrate --fake
- python collectstatic
- sudo python manage runserver
Sudo is required for access to repository directories
See gitlog/ for available settings. example/gitosis.conf. example gitosis configuration
Users and repositories are managed from post-receive hook. User is created only if it starts with '@'. Example
[group username]
members = user@home user@office
[group repositories]
members = @username
writable = repo1
readonly = repo2
In this case after gitosis-admin push 1 user will be created with username "username" and 2 repositories (repo1, repo2)
Additional and necessary settings
[repo repo1]
owner = username
[repo repo2]
owner = otheruser
[user username]
email = user@email
password = secret