- The functionality was added to Discord natively on the 02/02/2018.
- Python 3.5
- Discord Token
- Windows Only (macOS and Linux WiP)
- Spotify Information Displaying on the "Listening to" Tab on Discord
- Version 1.0 | 15/11/2017
♦ Added
- Discordify.py contains the most of the code that runs the Application. You can either run it via CMD or you can compile it into an exe using cx_freeze
- setup.py, This file has the code to compile the Discordify.py into an executable. Currently configured for CX_FREEZE
- token.txt, This file needs to have your Discord Token or it will return an error.
- cx_FreezeEXECompile.bat, Click on this to compile the script into an exe.
- Icon.ico, Icon file
♦ Know Issues
- Skipping songs too fast will Freeze the program. Current solution is to end the Discodify.exe process using the Task Manager.
- Will not work with 2STEP Verfication.