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Get started

  1. Install juantap with pip3 install git+
  2. Configure juantap as wanted: juantap config -e
  3. Create the file ~/gslts.txt with the Game Server Login tokens in.
    • One token per line per game server, so each instance have a token
  4. Setup juantap root and install LGSM: juantap root setup --install (it can take some time)
    • LGSM requires the following dependencies:
      • tmux
      • wget
      • ca-certificates
      • file
      • bsdmainutils
      • util-linux
      • python
      • bzip2
      • gzip
      • unzip
      • binutils
      • lib32gcc1
      • libstdc++6:i386
    • Do not run it in tmux, LGSM run its scripts in tmux, and can't handle nested tmux
    • If it will not install, try to run ~/rootserver/csgoserver install to install LGSM manually
      • Thís will also tell which dependencies are missing, and offer to install them automatically
    • juantap root setup --install returns, without any errors, if any dependencies are missing
      • It is first when you try to run juantap instances cmd start, that it tells the dependencies are missing
  5. Run ~/rootserver/csgoserver mods-install and install the following mods:
    • metamod
    • sourcemod
    • steamworks
    • smjansson
    • get5
  6. Copy common settings to the root server: juantap root config -c
  7. Scaffold instances: juantap instances scaffold
  8. Mount the instances: juantap instances mount
  9. Copy the settings to the instances: juantap instances setup
  10. Start the CS servers: juantap instances cmd start


  • To control all instances: juantap instances cmd xx
    • For instance: juantap instances cmd stop
  • To control a single instance: juantap instances -i yy cmd xx
    • For instance: juantap instances -i 01 cmd details

juantap CMD commands

start         st   | Start the server.
stop          sp   | Stop the server.
restart       r    | Restart the server.
monitor       m    | Check server status and restart if crashed.
test-alert    ta   | Send a test alert.
details       dt   | Display server information.
postdetails   pd   | Post details to hastebin (removing passwords).
update-lgsm   ul   | Check and apply any LinuxGSM updates.
update        u    | Check and apply any server updates.
force-update  fu   | Apply server updates bypassing check.
validate      v    | Validate server files with SteamCMD.
backup        b    | Create backup archives of the server.
console       c    | Access server console.
debug         d    | Start server directly in your terminal.
fastdl        fd   | Build a FastDL directory.
mods-install  mi   | View and install available mods/addons.
mods-remove   mr   | View and remove an installed mod/addon.
mods-update   mu   | Update installed mods/addons.
install       i    | Install the server.
auto-install  ai   | Install the server without prompts.
developer     dev  | Enable developer Mode.

Integration with Challonge, i.e. automated tournament handling

juantap can be used with a system which incorporate Challonge. This system can be found here. To use this system with juantap, juantap have to be running on a server with a public accessible IP. And have the following plugins installed (all should be installed on the root server, using the mod-install or mi command listed above):

  • MetaMod (metamod)
  • Sourcemod (sourcemod)
  • get5 (get5), and get5_apistats, which will be in the disabled folder after installing get5
  • SteamWorks (steamworks)
  • SMJansson (smjansson)


CLI for managing multiple LGSM CS:GO servers







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