Copy the code in script-global.js
and paste in the devtools of your browser (console)
Change timeout in script-global.js
to your liking (default is 2 seconds)
1200000 = 20 minutes
Go to the page where all exercises are listed, something like
and execute the script as described above. The bot will go through all exercises and submit them.
It sometimes crashes, so you have to restart it.
Go to a specific exercise, in the script change the last function call (change await main() to await doExercise()
) and execute the script.
It will only execute the exercise you are on.
Refresh the page
Open an issue if you find one
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
- Check why it sometimes crash in all-in mode
- Make it more robust (so it won't check for answers when in tiles selection for example)
- Make logs more sexy