A series of bash scripts to get prepare and run Kubernetes on Ubuntu.
Run this on each node to install docker on that node.
- Ensure git is installed:
sudo apt-get install git
- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/matthewpbyrne/kubernetes-ubuntu
- Make the node preparation script executable and run it:
cd kubernetes-ubuntu
chmod +x prepare-ubuntu-1404-node.sh
- This step prepares the master, by downloading kubernetes and setting up kubectl - the kubernetes control tool. First make the scripts executable, and then run:
chmod +x prepare-master.sh
- Then set up environment variables as appropriate:
export nodes="[email protected]"
export role="ai"
export NUM_NODES=1
To override different versions:
export KUBE_VERSION=1.0.5
export FLANNEL_VERSION=0.5.0
export ETCD_VERSION=2.2.0
- Run kubernetes. Again, make the script executable and then run:
chmod +x run-master.sh