This repository contains programs written for the system engineering and DevOps track at ALX School. In these projects, I worked with Bash and practiced writing Bash scripts to automate task
- 0x00-shell_basics
- 0x01-shell_permissions
- 0x02-shell_redirections
- 0x03-shell_variables_expansions
- 0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing
- 0x05-processes_and_signals
- 0x06-regular_expressions
- 0x07-networking_basics
- 0x08-networking_basics_2
- 0x10-https_ssl
- 0x11-what_happens_when_your_type_google_com_in_your_browser_and_press_enter
- 0x12-web_stack_debugging_2
- 0x13-firewall
- 0x14-mysql
- 0x15-api
- 0x16-api_advanced
- 0x17-web_stack_debugging_3
- 0x18-webstack_monitoring
- 0x19-postmortem
- 0x0A-configuration_management
- 0x0B-ssh
- 0x0C-web_server
- 0x0D-web_stack_debugging_0
- 0x0E-web_stack_debugging_1
- 0x0F-load_balancer
- 0x1A-application_server
- 0x1B-web_stack_debugging_4
- John Mburu (X)
These works are part of the ALX SE curriculum. ALX is a program that prepares young people with the technical and work-ready skills for a global career as a Full-Stack Developer using project-based peer learning. For more information, follow this link.