The package of line detector.
Ubuntu 18.04 + ROS melodic
roslaunch line_detect detect.launch
/yellow_detect/yellow_line_pos : [geometry_msgs/Pose2D] 2D Point (x,y) that on a fit yellow line and theta (radian) that degree of fit yellow line.
/yellow_detect/yellow_detect_img : Image with fit line with yellow line (The red line that final line), straight line (blue line)
/yellow_detect/yellow_img : Image that filtered only yellow line
/white_detect/yellow_line_pos : [geometry_msgs/Pose2D] 2D Point (x,y) that on a fit white line and theta (radian) that degree of fit white line.
/white_detect/white_detect_img : Image with fit line with white line (The red line that final line), straight line (blue line)
/white_detect/white_img : Image that filtered only white line