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lightmap binding working, need to get color meshes working (extra ver…
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…tex attribute streams tacked on after vertex buffer creation)
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PazerOP committed Jun 15, 2019
1 parent b46204a commit caee81e
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Showing 15 changed files with 335 additions and 71 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions TF2VulkanUtil/TF2VulkanUtil.vcxproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,6 +112,7 @@
<ClInclude Include="include\TF2Vulkan\Util\ScopeFunc.h" />
<ClInclude Include="include\TF2Vulkan\Util\shaderapi_ishaderdynamic.h" />
<ClInclude Include="include\TF2Vulkan\Util\StackArray.h" />
<ClInclude Include="include\TF2Vulkan\Util\std_iterator.h" />
<ClInclude Include="include\TF2Vulkan\Util\std_memory.h" />
<ClInclude Include="include\TF2Vulkan\Util\std_stack.h" />
<ClInclude Include="include\TF2Vulkan\Util\std_algorithm.h" />
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions TF2VulkanUtil/include/TF2Vulkan/Util/std_algorithm.h
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Expand Up @@ -99,4 +99,15 @@ namespace Util{ namespace algorithm
using CT = std::common_type_t<T1, T2>;
return std::min<CT>(Util::SafeConvert<CT>(t1), Util::SafeConvert<CT>(t2));

template<typename TIter>
inline bool all_of(TIter begin, TIter end)
return std::all_of(begin, end, [](const auto& v) { return !!v; });
template<typename TContainer>
inline bool all_of(const TContainer& container)
return all_of(std::begin(container), std::end(container));
} }
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions TF2VulkanUtil/include/TF2Vulkan/Util/std_iterator.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#pragma once

#include <iterator>

namespace Util{ namespace iterator
template<typename TIter>
struct IterRangeWrapper
constexpr IterRangeWrapper(TIter begin, TIter end) : m_Begin(begin), m_End(end) {}

auto begin() { return m_Begin; }
auto end() { return m_End; }
auto begin() const { return m_Begin; }
auto end() const { return m_End; }

TIter m_Begin;
TIter m_End;
} }
41 changes: 35 additions & 6 deletions shaderapivulkan/include/TF2Vulkan/IShaderDynamicNext.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,8 +43,29 @@ namespace TF2Vulkan
virtual int GetCurrentNumBones() const = 0;
virtual void LoadBoneMatrices(Shaders::VSModelMatrices& bones) const = 0;

virtual void BindSamplers(const SamplerSettings* begin, const SamplerSettings* end, bool merge, uint32_t first) = 0;
virtual void BindTextures(const ITexture* const* begin, const ITexture* const* end, bool merge, uint32_t first) = 0;
template<typename T> struct ResourceRange
/// <summary>
/// If this is nullptr, then this range of resources is left unmodified.
/// </summary>
const T* m_Resources = nullptr;
size_t m_Count = 0;
size_t m_Offset = 0;
using SamplerRange = ResourceRange<SamplerSettings>;
using TextureRange = ResourceRange<const ITexture*>;

/// <summary>
/// Binds multiple contiguous ranges of SamplerSettings.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="merge">False to unbind any samplers not included in the ranges.</param>
virtual void BindSamplerRanges(const SamplerRange* begin, const SamplerRange* end, bool merge) = 0;

/// <summary>
/// Binds multiple contiguous ranges of ITextures.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="merge">False to unbind any textures not included in the ranges.</param>
virtual void BindTextureRanges(const TextureRange* begin, const TextureRange* end, bool merge) = 0;

// Helpers
void SetPixelShader(const IShaderInstance* instance) { SetShaderInstance(ShaderType::Pixel, instance); }
Expand All @@ -66,14 +87,22 @@ namespace TF2Vulkan

void BindSamplers(const SamplerSettings* begin, const SamplerSettings* end)
return BindSamplers(begin, end, false, 0);
const SamplerRange range
.m_Resources = begin,
.m_Count = size_t(end - begin),
return BindSamplerRanges(&range, &range + 1, false);
void BindTextures(const ITexture* const* begin, const ITexture* const* end)
return BindTextures(begin, end, false, 0);
const TextureRange range
.m_Resources = begin,
.m_Count = size_t(end - begin),
return BindTextureRanges(&range, &range + 1, false);


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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions shaderapivulkan/include/TF2Vulkan/ShaderResourceBinder.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ namespace TF2Vulkan
void AddBinding(ITexture& texture, int32_t& texLocationSpecConst, uint32_t& smpLocationSpecConst,
const SamplerSettings* sampler = nullptr);
void AddDummyBinding(int32_t& texLocationSpecConst, uint32_t& smpLocationSpecConst,
const SamplerSettings* sampler = nullptr);

const auto& GetTextures() const { return m_Textures; }
const auto& GetSamplers() const { return m_Samplers; }
Expand All @@ -30,6 +32,14 @@ namespace TF2Vulkan
Util::InPlaceVector<SamplerSettings, MAX_SHADER_RESOURCE_BINDINGS> m_Samplers;

inline void ShaderTextureBinder::AddDummyBinding(int32_t& texLocationSpecConst,
uint32_t& smpLocationSpecConst, const SamplerSettings* sampler)
texLocationSpecConst = m_Textures.size();
smpLocationSpecConst = FindOrInsertSampler(sampler ? *sampler : SamplerSettings{});

inline void ShaderTextureBinder::AddBinding(ITexture& texture, int32_t& texLocationSpecConst,
uint32_t& smpLocationSpecConst, const SamplerSettings* sampler)
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,9 +9,11 @@
#include <TF2Vulkan/Util/Color.h>
#include <TF2Vulkan/Util/DirtyVar.h>
#include <TF2Vulkan/Util/platform.h>
#include <TF2Vulkan/Util/std_iterator.h>

#include <materialsystem/IShader.h>
#include <materialsystem/imaterialvar.h>
#include <shaderapi/ishaderutil.h>

#undef min
#undef max
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,7 +179,16 @@ void IShaderAPI_StateManagerDynamic::Bind(IMaterial* material)
void IShaderAPI_StateManagerDynamic::BindTexture(Sampler_t sampler, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle)
return BindTextures(&textureHandle, &textureHandle + 1, true, sampler - SHADER_SAMPLER0);

assert(sampler >= SHADER_SAMPLER0);
const ShaderAPITextureRange range
.m_Resources = &textureHandle,
.m_Count = 1,
.m_Offset = size_t(sampler - SHADER_SAMPLER0),

return BindTextureRanges(&range, &range + 1, true);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,75 +347,140 @@ void IShaderAPI_StateManagerDynamic::BindUniformBuffer(const BufferPoolEntry& bu
Util::SetDirtyVar(m_State.m_UniformBuffers, index, buf, m_Dirty);

void IShaderAPI_StateManagerDynamic::BindSamplers(const SamplerSettings* begin, const SamplerSettings* end, bool merge, uint32_t first)
template<typename T, typename TOnBindFunc = void*>
static void BindRanges(const IShaderDynamicNext::ResourceRange<T>* begin, const IShaderDynamicNext::ResourceRange<T>* end,
bool merge, Util::InPlaceVector<T, MAX_SHADER_RESOURCE_BINDINGS>& bindsVec, bool& dirty, const T& defaultVal,
const TOnBindFunc& onBindFunc = nullptr)
const size_t count = end - begin;

if (!merge)
uint32_t assignedCount = 0;
uint32_t unassignedSlots = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
static_assert(MAX_SHADER_RESOURCE_BINDINGS <= sizeof(unassignedSlots) * CHAR_BIT);

for (const auto& range : Util::iterator::IterRangeWrapper(begin, end))
if (m_State.m_BoundSamplers.size() != count)
for (size_t i = 0; i < range.m_Count; i++)
m_Dirty = true;
const uint32_t bindIndex = range.m_Offset + i;

if (bindIndex >= assignedCount)
assignedCount = bindIndex + 1;

if (range.m_Resources)
if (bindsVec.size() <= bindIndex)
bindsVec.resize(bindIndex + 1);

if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<TOnBindFunc, void*>)
onBindFunc(bindIndex, range.m_Resources[i]);

Util::SetDirtyVar(, range.m_Resources[i], dirty);
assert(unassignedSlots & (1 << bindIndex)); // Check for overlapping ranges

for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
Util::SetDirtyVar(m_State.m_BoundSamplers[i], begin[i], m_Dirty);
unassignedSlots &= ~(1 << bindIndex);

if (!merge)
// Shrink to fit
if (bindsVec.size() != assignedCount)
dirty = true;

for (size_t i = 0; i < assignedCount; i++)
if (unassignedSlots & (1 << i))
bindsVec[i] = defaultVal;

void IShaderAPI_StateManagerDynamic::BindTextures(
const ITexture* const* begin, const ITexture* const* end, bool merge, uint32_t first)
void IShaderAPI_StateManagerDynamic::BindSamplerRanges(const SamplerRange* begin, const SamplerRange* end, bool merge)
const size_t count = end - begin;
return BindRanges(begin, end, merge, m_State.m_BoundSamplers, m_Dirty, SamplerSettings{});

auto handles = (ShaderAPITextureHandle_t*)_alloca(sizeof(ShaderAPITextureHandle_t) * count);
void IShaderAPI_StateManagerDynamic::BindTextureRanges(
const ShaderAPITextureRange* begin, const ShaderAPITextureRange* end, bool merge)
return BindRanges(begin, end, merge, m_State.m_BoundTextures, m_Dirty, INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE,
[&](uint32_t index, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t texID)
auto texDbgName = texID ? GetTexture(texID).GetDebugName() : "<NULL>";
TF2VULKAN_PIX_MARKER("BindTexture%s %.*s @ g_Textures2D[%zu]",
merge ? "(merge)" : "", PRINTF_SV(texDbgName), index);

auto test0 = &ITextureInternal::SetErrorTexture;
#pragma warning(suppress : 4996)
auto test1 = static_cast<void(ITextureInternal::*)(Sampler_t)>(&ITextureInternal::Bind);
auto test2 = &ITextureInternal::GetTextureHandle;
void IShaderAPI_StateManagerDynamic::BindStandardTexture(Sampler_t sampler, StandardTextureId_t id)

for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (auto handle = GetStdTextureHandle(id); handle != INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE)
auto texInternal = assert_cast<const ITextureInternal*>(begin[i]);
handles[i] = texInternal->GetTextureHandle(0);
BindTexture(sampler, GetStdTextureHandle(id));
g_ShaderUtil->BindStandardTexture(sampler, id);

return BindTextures(handles, handles + count, merge, first);

void IShaderAPI_StateManagerDynamic::BindTextures(
const ShaderAPITextureHandle_t* begin, const ShaderAPITextureHandle_t* end, bool merge, uint32_t first)
void IShaderAPI_StateManagerDynamic::BindTextureRanges(
const TextureRange* begin, const TextureRange* end, bool merge)
const size_t count = end - begin;
const size_t rangesCount = end - begin;

if (!merge)
auto outputRanges = (ShaderAPITextureRange*)_alloca(sizeof(ShaderAPITextureRange) * rangesCount);

size_t texCount = 0;
// Count the number of ITexture* pointers inside all of the ranges
for (auto& inputRange : Util::iterator::IterRangeWrapper{ begin, end })
if (inputRange.m_Resources)
texCount += inputRange.m_Count;

// Stack allocate a single buffer for all of the ShaderAPITextureHandle_t inside our output ranges
auto texturePointers = (ShaderAPITextureHandle_t*)_alloca(sizeof(ShaderAPITextureHandle_t) * texCount);
texCount = 0;

// Create all of our output ranges
for (size_t rangeIndex = 0; rangeIndex < rangesCount; rangeIndex++)
if (m_State.m_BoundTextures.size() != count)
const auto& inputRange = begin[rangeIndex];
auto& outputRange = outputRanges[rangeIndex];
outputRange.m_Count = inputRange.m_Count;
outputRange.m_Offset = inputRange.m_Offset;

if (inputRange.m_Resources)
m_Dirty = true;
auto* outHandles = &texturePointers[texCount];
outputRange.m_Resources = outHandles;
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputRange.m_Count; i++)
auto texInternal = assert_cast<const ITextureInternal*>(inputRange.m_Resources[i]);
outHandles[i] = texInternal->GetTextureHandle(0);

for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
auto texDbgName = begin[i] ? GetTexture(begin[i]).GetDebugName() : "<NULL>";
TF2VULKAN_PIX_MARKER("BindTexture %.*s @ g_Textures2D[%zu]", PRINTF_SV(texDbgName), i);
Util::SetDirtyVar(m_State.m_BoundTextures[i], begin[i], m_Dirty);
outputRange.m_Resources = nullptr;

return BindTextureRanges(outputRanges, outputRanges + rangesCount, merge);

void IShaderAPI_StateManagerDynamic::SetOverbright(float overbright)
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -154,11 +154,14 @@ namespace TF2Vulkan
void SetSkinningMatrices() override final;

// IShaderDynamicNext
using ShaderAPITextureRange = ResourceRange<ShaderAPITextureHandle_t>;
void SetShaderInstance(ShaderType type, const IShaderInstance* instance) override final;
void BindUniformBuffer(const BufferPoolEntry& buf, UniformBufferIndex index) override final;
void BindSamplers(const SamplerSettings* begin, const SamplerSettings* end, bool merge, uint32_t first) override final;
void BindTextures(const ITexture* const* begin, const ITexture* const* end, bool merge, uint32_t first) override final;
void BindTextures(const ShaderAPITextureHandle_t* begin, const ShaderAPITextureHandle_t* end, bool merge, uint32_t first);
void BindSamplerRanges(const SamplerRange* begin, const SamplerRange* end, bool merge) override final;
void BindTextureRanges(const TextureRange* begin, const TextureRange* end, bool merge) override final;
void BindTextureRanges(const ShaderAPITextureRange* begin, const ShaderAPITextureRange* end, bool merge);
void BindStandardTexture(Sampler_t sampler, StandardTextureId_t id) override final;
void BindStandardVertexTexture(VertexTextureSampler_t sampler, StandardTextureId_t id) override final { NOT_IMPLEMENTED_FUNC(); }

// Helpers
void SetOverbright(float overbright);
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10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions shaderapivulkan/src/TF2Vulkan/IShaderAPI/ShaderAPI.cpp
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void OverrideAlphaWriteEnable(bool enable, bool alphaWriteEnable) override { NOT_IMPLEMENTED_FUNC(); }
void OverrideColorWriteEnable(bool overrideEnable, bool colorWriteEnable) override { NOT_IMPLEMENTED_FUNC(); }

void BindStandardTexture(Sampler_t sampler, StandardTextureId_t id) override;
void BindStandardVertexTexture(VertexTextureSampler_t sampler, StandardTextureId_t id) override { NOT_IMPLEMENTED_FUNC(); }

ITexture* GetRenderTargetEx(int renderTargetID) override;

void GetDXLevelDefaults(uint& dxLevelMax, uint& dxLevelRecommended) override { NOT_IMPLEMENTED_FUNC(); }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -925,13 +922,6 @@ void ShaderAPI::EndFrame()
m_IsInFrame = false;

void ShaderAPI::BindStandardTexture(Sampler_t sampler, StandardTextureId_t id)
// TODO: Move to IShaderAPI_StateManagerDynamic
BindTexture(sampler, GetStdTextureHandle(id));

void ShaderAPI::InvalidateDelayedShaderConstants()
// We don't use this functionality (dynamic uniform buffers are used instead)
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