gotz - a simple CLI timezone info tool.
Directly via Go
go install
Simply download the binary of the latest release (look for gotz_*_OS_ARCH
- darwin is macOS), unpack the gotz
binary and put it in a folder in your $PATH
brew tap merschformann/gotz # only once
brew install gotz
Show current time:
Show arbitrary time:
gotz 21
Show arbitrary time using different timezone (index based):
gotz 15@2
Time can be one of the following formats:
Use live mode to continuously update the time (exit via q, esc or ctrl+c). Activate once via:
gotz --live true
(above also uses option --inline false
; for styling see customization below)
Set the timezones to be used by default:
gotz --timezones "Office:America/New_York,Home:Europe/Berlin"
(lookup timezones in the timezones wiki page - TZ identifier column)
Set 12-hour format:
gotz --hours12 true
The configuration is stored in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gotz/config.json
(usually ~/.config/gotz/config.json
on most systems). It can be configured directly or via the arguments of the gotz
command (see gotz --help
). The configuration attributes are described in the following example:
// Tracks the version of the configuration file (automatically written on creation)
"config_version": "1.0",
// Configures the timezones to be shown
"timezones": [
// Timezones have a name (Name) and timezone code (TZ)
{ "Name": "Office", "TZ": "America/New_York" },
{ "Name": "Home", "TZ": "Europe/Berlin" },
// Configures the style of the plot
"style": {
// Select symbols to use for the time blocks
// (one of 'mono', 'rectangles', 'blocks', 'sun-moon' or 'custom')
"symbols": "mono",
// Define custom symbols (used if 'symbols' is 'custom')
// Each symbol is used from its start time (hour in day as int) until the next symbol
"custom_symbols": [
{ "Start": 6, "Symbol": "▓" },
{ "Start": 8, "Symbol": "█" },
{ "Start": 18, "Symbol": "▓" },
{ "Start": 22, "Symbol": "░" }
// Indicates whether to use coloring at all
"colorize": true,
// Configures how the day is segmented
"day_segments": {
// Hour of the morning to start (0-23)
"morning": 6,
// Hour of the day (business hours / main time) to start (0-23)
"day": 8,
// Hour of the evening to start (0-23)
"evening": 18,
// Hour of the night to start (0-23)
"night": 22
// Defines the colors for the segments
// Static mode colors can be one of:
// - >simple< color names like `red`, `green`, `cyan`, etc.
// - terminal color codes like `\u001b[34m`, `\u001b[32m`, etc.
// - hex codes like #DC143C, #00ff00, etc. (if true color is supported)
// Dynamic mode colors
// - tcell color names like crimson, green, etc.
// - hex codes like #DC143C, #00ff00, etc.
// Note that some symbols are not fully opaque and will show the background color, thus,
// making the color appear darker (or lighter for white/light terminal backgrounds)
"coloring": {
// Color of the morning segment for static mode
"StaticColorMorning": "#EC3620",
// Color of the morning segment for static mode
"StaticColorDay": "#F9C748",
// Color of the morning segment for static mode
"StaticColorEvening": "#EC3620",
// Color of the morning segment for static mode
"StaticColorNight": "#030D4D",
// Foreground color overriding default for static mode (optional)
"StaticColorForeground": "",
// Color of the morning segment for dynamic mode
"DynamicColorMorning": "#419AA8",
// Color of the day segment for dynamic mode
"DynamicColorDay": "#FFFFFF",
// Color of the evening segment for dynamic mode
"DynamicColorEvening": "#419AA8",
// Color of the night segment for dynamic mode
"DynamicColorNight": "#09293F",
// Foreground color overriding default for dynamic mode (optional)
"DynamicColorForeground": "",
// Background color overriding default for dynamic mode (optional)
"DynamicColorBackground": ""
// Indicates whether to plot tics for the local time
"tics": false,
// Indicates whether to stretch across the full terminal width (causes inhomogeneous segment lengths)
"stretch": true,
// Inline indicates whether location and time info will be plotted on one line with the bars.
"inline": true,
// Indicates whether to colorize the blocks
"hours12": false,
// Indicates whether to use 12-hour format
"live": false,
// Selects the sorting of the timezones
// (one of 'name' - lexicographically, 'offset' - TZ offset, 'none' - user defined)
"sorting": "name",
// Indicates whether to keep the local timezone on top when using sorting
"sort_local_top": true
Working in an international team is a lot of fun, but comes with the challenge of having to deal with timezones. Since I am not good at computing them quickly in my head, I decided to write a simple CLI tool to help me out. I hope it can be useful for other people as well. Thanks for the inspiration @sebas!