{% if False %}
This template is used by developer at Mirounga
By default, this project template includes:
- Wagtail 3.x.y
- Django built-in migrations
- python-memcached
- Includes django-debug-toolbar for development and production (enabled for superusers)
- Create your working environment and virtualenv
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- $ django-admin.py startproject --template https://github.com/mga-team-django/wagtail-template/archive/master.zip --extension py,html,md,rst projectname
- $ cd projectname
- By default dev environment use SQLite database
- $ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
- $ python manage.py migrate
- $ python manage.py runserver
{% endif %}
Describe your project here.
- Python 3.9 recommended
- pip
- virtualenv (virtualenvwrapper is recommended for use during development)
Fill out with installation instructions for your project.
Indicate your licence here