*A Car Inventory DB app allows users to log in, sign up, view, years , make and color of cars.
##Tools Usage
- JavaScript
- Handlebars
- partials (From Handlebars)
- Node.js
- Express
- Express-Handlebars
- MySQL2
- Sequelize
- Dotenv
- Heroku
- To use this app npm init has to be called to create your package.json file.
- The following necessary Npm dependencies must be installed to run the application properly: the needed dependencies will be found on the package.json file.
- To properly install the database you must install MySQL on your computer, create an profile in which you have a root and a password.
- In your command line you must type mysql -u root -p and then enter, type your password that you created on MySQL on the following line.
- To finally add the database you must do the following: source db/schema.sql then enter.
- Run "npm run seeds" on command line
- Run "npm start" for the port to start listening.
- If on Heroku, all you have to do is login.
- Salman Ghouse: github.com/salmanghouse1
- Mekonnen Mohammed
- Mike Khory and other group members.
- npm run seed, then npm start
Change path of images Get data to forms